NI Modular Instruments Python Documentation


nimi-python is a collection of Python modules that provide an interface to the underlying NI driver. Currently, the following drivers are supported:

  • NI-DCPower (Python module: nidcpower)
  • NI-DMM (Python module: nidmm)
  • NI-FGEN (Python module: nifgen)
  • NI-SCOPE (Python module: niscope)
  • NI-SWITCH (Python module: niswitch)
  • NI-ModInst (Python module: nimodinst)

nimi-python supports all the Operating Systems supported by the underlying driver.

nimi-python supports Python 2.7, 3.4 and later using CPython or PyPy.


Driver specific installation instructions can be found on Read The Docs:


We welcome contributions! You can clone the project repository, build it, and install it by following these instructions.

Support / Feedback

The packages included in nimi-python package are supported by NI. For support, open a request through the NI support portal at

Bugs / Feature Requests

To report a bug or submit a feature request, please use the GitHub issues page.

Information to Include When Asking for Help

Please include all of the following information when opening an issue:

  • Detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem and full traceback, if applicable. Code samples are encouraged!

  • The python version used:

    $ python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
  • The module (i.e. nidmm) and its version:

    $ python -m pip list
  • The version of the driver used (i.e. NI-DMM 17.1). Follow this KB article to determine the version you have installed.

  • The operating system, version, and bitness. For example 64-bit Windows 7.


Documentation is available here.

Additional Documentation

Refer to your driver documentation for device-specific information and detailed API documentation.


nimi-python is licensed under an MIT-style license (see LICENSE). Other incorporated projects may be licensed under different licenses. All licenses allow for non-commercial and commercial use.

Indices and tables