nidcpower module


As a prerequisite to using the nidcpower module, you must install the NI-DCPower runtime on your system. Visit to download the driver runtime for your devices.

The nimi-python modules (i.e. for NI-DCPower) can be installed with pip:

$ python -m pip install nidcpower~=1.1.5

Or easy_install from setuptools:

$ python -m easy_install nidcpower


The following is a basic example of using the nidcpower module to open a session to a Source Meter Unit and measure voltage and current.

import nidcpower
# Configure the session.

with nidcpower.Session(resource_name='PXI1Slot2', channels='0') as session:
    session.measure_record_length = 20
    session.measure_record_length_is_finite = True
    session.measure_when = nidcpower.MeasureWhen.AUTOMATICALLY_AFTER_SOURCE_COMPLETE
    session.voltage_level = 5.0

    print('Effective measurement rate: {0} S/s'.format(session.measure_record_delta_time / 1))

    samples_acquired = 0
    print('  #    Voltage    Current    In Compliance')
    row_format = '{0:3d}:   {1:8.6f}   {2:8.6f}   {3}'
    with session.initiate():
        while samples_acquired < 20:
            measurements = session.fetch_multiple(count=session.fetch_backlog)
            samples_acquired += len(measurements)
            for i in range(len(measurements)):
                print(row_format.format(i, measurements[i].voltage, measurements[i].current, measurements[i].in_compliance))

Additional examples for NI-DCPower are located in src/nidcpower/examples/ directory.

API Reference