Source code for niscope.session

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file was generated
import array  # noqa: F401
import ctypes
import datetime  # noqa: F401
# Used by @ivi_synchronized
from functools import wraps

import niscope._attributes as _attributes
import niscope._converters as _converters
import niscope._library_singleton as _library_singleton
import niscope._visatype as _visatype
import niscope.enums as enums
import niscope.errors as errors

import niscope.waveform_info as waveform_info  # noqa: F401

import nitclk

# Used for __repr__
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

# Helper functions for creating ctypes needed for calling into the driver DLL
def get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=None, library_type=None, size=None):
    if isinstance(value, array.array):
        assert library_type is not None, 'library_type is required for array.array'
        addr, _ = value.buffer_info()
        return ctypes.cast(addr, ctypes.POINTER(library_type))
    elif str(type(value)).find("'numpy.ndarray'") != -1:
        import numpy
        return numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(value)
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        assert library_type is not None, 'library_type is required for list'
        return (library_type * len(value))(*value)
        if library_type is not None and size is not None:
            return (library_type * size)()
            return None

def get_ctypes_and_array(value, array_type):
    if value is not None:
        if isinstance(value, array.array):
            value_array = value
            value_array = array.array(array_type, value)
        value_array = None

    return value_array

class _Acquisition(object):
    def __init__(self, session):
        self._session = session

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

# From
def ivi_synchronized(f):
    def aux(*xs, **kws):
        session = xs[0]  # parameter 0 is 'self' which is the session object
        with session.lock():
            return f(*xs, **kws)
    return aux

class _Lock(object):
    def __init__(self, session):
        self._session = session

    def __enter__(self):
        # _lock_session is called from the lock() function, not here
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

class _RepeatedCapabilities(object):
    def __init__(self, session, prefix):
        self._session = session
        self._prefix = prefix

    def __getitem__(self, repeated_capability):
        '''Set/get properties or call methods with a repeated capability (i.e. channels)'''
        rep_caps_list = _converters.convert_repeated_capabilities(repeated_capability, self._prefix)

        return _SessionBase(vi=self._session._vi, repeated_capability_list=rep_caps_list, library=self._session._library, encoding=self._session._encoding, freeze_it=True)

# This is a very simple context manager we can use when we need to set/get attributes
# or call functions from _SessionBase that require no channels. It is tied to the specific
# implementation of _SessionBase and how repeated capabilities are handled.
class _NoChannel(object):
    def __init__(self, session):
        self._session = session

    def __enter__(self):
        self._repeated_capability_cache = self._session._repeated_capability
        self._session._repeated_capability = ''

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self._session._repeated_capability = self._repeated_capability_cache

class _SessionBase(object):
    '''Base class for all NI-SCOPE sessions.'''

    # This is needed during __init__. Without it, __setattr__ raises an exception
    _is_frozen = False

    absolute_sample_clock_offset = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1150374)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    Gets or sets the absolute time offset of the sample clock relative to
    the reference clock in terms of seconds.

    Configures the sample clock relationship with respect to the reference
    clock. This parameter is factored into NI-TClk adjustments and is
    typically used to improve the repeatability of NI-TClk Synchronization.
    When this parameter is read, the currently programmed value is returned.
    The range of the absolute sample clock offset is [-.5 sample clock
    periods, .5 sample clock periods]. The default absolute sample clock
    offset is 0s.
    acquisition_start_time = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1250109)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    Specifies the length of time from the trigger event to the first point in  the waveform record in seconds.  If the value is positive, the first point  in the waveform record occurs after the trigger event (same as specifying  trigger_delay_time).  If the value is negative, the first point  in the waveform record occurs before the trigger event (same as specifying  horz_record_ref_position).
    acquisition_type = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.AcquisitionType, 1250101)
    '''Type: enums.AcquisitionType

    Specifies how the digitizer acquires data and fills the waveform record.
    acq_arm_source = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150053)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the source the digitizer monitors for a start (acquisition arm) trigger.   When the start trigger is received, the digitizer begins acquiring pretrigger  samples.
    Valid Values:
    NISCOPE_VAL_IMMEDIATE     ('VAL_IMMEDIATE')    - Triggers immediately
    NISCOPE_VAL_RTSI_0        ('VAL_RTSI_0')       - RTSI 0
    NISCOPE_VAL_RTSI_1        ('VAL_RTSI_1')       - RTSI 1
    NISCOPE_VAL_RTSI_2        ('VAL_RTSI_2')       - RTSI 2
    NISCOPE_VAL_RTSI_3        ('VAL_RTSI_3')       - RTSI 3
    NISCOPE_VAL_RTSI_4        ('VAL_RTSI_4')       - RTSI 4
    NISCOPE_VAL_RTSI_5        ('VAL_RTSI_5')       - RTSI 5
    NISCOPE_VAL_RTSI_6        ('VAL_RTSI_6')       - RTSI 6
    NISCOPE_VAL_PFI_0         ('VAL_PFI_0')        - PFI 0
    NISCOPE_VAL_PFI_1         ('VAL_PFI_1')        - PFI 1
    NISCOPE_VAL_PFI_2         ('VAL_PFI_2')        - PFI 2
    NISCOPE_VAL_PXI_STAR      ('VAL_PXI_STAR')     - PXI Star Trigger

    One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.
    adv_trig_src = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150094)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the source the digitizer monitors for an advance trigger.   When the advance trigger is received, the digitizer begins acquiring pretrigger  samples.
    allow_more_records_than_memory = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150068)
    '''Type: bool

    Indicates whether more records can be configured with configure_horizontal_timing  than fit in the onboard memory. If this property is set to True, it is necessary  to fetch records while the acquisition is in progress.  Eventually, some of  the records will be overwritten.  An error is returned from the fetch method  if you attempt to fetch a record that has been overwritten.
    arm_ref_trig_src = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150095)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the source the digitizer monitors for an arm reference trigger.   When the arm reference trigger is received, the digitizer begins looking for a  reference (stop) trigger from the user-configured trigger source.
    backlog = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150084)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the number of samples (points_done) that have been acquired but not fetched  for the record specified by fetch_record_number.
    bandpass_filter_enabled = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150318)
    '''Type: bool

    Enables the bandpass filter on the specificed channel.  The default value is FALSE.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].bandpass_filter_enabled = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].bandpass_filter_enabled
    binary_sample_width = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150005)
    '''Type: int

    Indicates the bit width of the binary data in the acquired waveform.  Useful for determining which Binary Fetch method to use. Compare to resolution.
    To configure the device to store samples with a lower resolution that the native, set this property to the desired binary width.
    This can be useful for streaming at faster speeds at the cost of resolution. The least significant bits will be lost with this configuration.
    Valid Values: 8, 16, 32
    cable_sense_mode = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViReal64, enums.CableSenseMode, 1150138)
    '''Type: enums.CableSenseMode

    Specifies whether and how the oscilloscope is configured to generate a CableSense signal on the specified channels when the cable_sense_signal_start method is called.

    Device-Specific Behavior:
            - The value of this property must be identical across all channels whose input impedance is set to 50 ohms.
            - If this property is set to a value other than CableSenseMode.DISABLED for any channel(s), the input impedance of all channels for which this property is set to CableSenseMode.DISABLED must be set to 1 M Ohm.

    | **Supported Devices** |
    | PXIe-5110             |
    | PXIe-5111             |
    | PXIe-5113             |
    | PXIe-5160             |
    | PXIe-5162             |

    Note: the input impedance of the channel(s) to convey the CableSense signal must be set to 50 ohms.
    cable_sense_signal_enable = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150139)
    '''Type: bool

    cable_sense_voltage = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150137)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the voltage of the CableSense signal that is written to the EEPROM of the oscilloscope during factory calibration.

    | **Supported Devices** |
    | PXIe-5110             |
    | PXIe-5111             |
    | PXIe-5113             |
    | PXIe-5160             |
    | PXIe-5162             |
    channel_count = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1050203)
    '''Type: int

    Indicates the number of channels that the specific instrument driver  supports.
    For channel-based properties, the IVI engine maintains a separate cache value for each channel.
    channel_enabled = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1250005)
    '''Type: bool

    Specifies whether the digitizer acquires a waveform for the channel.
    Valid Values:
    True  (1) - Acquire data on this channel
    False (0) - Don't acquire data on this channel

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].channel_enabled = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].channel_enabled
    channel_terminal_configuration = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TerminalConfiguration, 1150107)
    '''Type: enums.TerminalConfiguration

    Specifies the terminal configuration for the channel.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].channel_terminal_configuration = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].channel_terminal_configuration
    data_transfer_block_size = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150316)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the maximum number of samples to transfer at one time from the device to host memory. Increasing this number should result in better fetching performance because the driver does not need to restart the transfers as often. However, increasing this number may also increase the amount of page-locked memory required from the system.
    data_transfer_maximum_bandwidth = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150321)
    '''Type: float

    This property specifies the maximum bandwidth that the device is allowed to consume.
    data_transfer_preferred_packet_size = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150322)
    '''Type: int

    This property specifies the size of (read request|memory write) data payload. Due to alignment of the data buffers, the hardware may not always generate a packet of this size.
    device_temperature = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150086)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the temperature of the device in degrees Celsius from the onboard sensor.
    driver_setup = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050007)
    '''Type: str

    This property indicates the Driver Setup string that the user  specified when initializing the driver.
    Some cases exist where the end-user must specify instrument driver  options at initialization.  An example of this is specifying  a particular instrument model from among a family of instruments  that the driver supports.  This is useful when using simulation.   The end-user can specify driver-specific options through  the DriverSetup keyword in the optionsString parameter in  __init__, or through the IVI Configuration Utility.
    If the user does not specify a Driver Setup string, this property returns an empty string.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        var = session.channels[0,1].driver_setup
    enabled_channels = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150140)
    '''Type: str

    Returns a comma-separated list of the channels enabled for the session in ascending order.

    If no channels are enabled, this property returns an empty string, "".
    If all channels are enabled, this property enumerates all of the channels.

    Because this property returns channels in ascending order, but the order in which you specify channels for the input is important, the value of this property may not necessarily reflect the order in which NI-SCOPE performs certain actions.

    Refer to Channel String Syntax in the NI High-Speed Digitizers Help for more information on the effects of channel order in NI-SCOPE.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        var = session.channels[0,1].enabled_channels
    enable_dc_restore = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150093)
    '''Type: bool

    Restores the video-triggered data retrieved by the digitizer to the video signal's zero reference point.
    Valid Values:
    True - Enable DC restore
    False - Disable DC restore
    enable_time_interleaved_sampling = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150128)
    '''Type: bool

    Specifies whether the digitizer acquires the waveform using multiple ADCs for the channel  enabling a higher maximum real-time sampling rate.
    Valid Values:
    True  (1) - Use multiple interleaved ADCs on this channel
    False (0) - Use only this channel's ADC to acquire data for this channel

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].enable_time_interleaved_sampling = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].enable_time_interleaved_sampling
    end_of_acquisition_event_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150101)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination for the End of Acquisition Event.    When this event is asserted, the digitizer has completed sampling for all records.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    end_of_record_event_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150099)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination for the End of Record Event.    When this event is asserted, the digitizer has completed sampling for the current record.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    end_of_record_to_advance_trigger_holdoff = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1150366)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    End of Record to Advance Trigger Holdoff is the length of time (in
    seconds) that a device waits between the completion of one record and
    the acquisition of pre-trigger samples for the next record. During this
    time, the acquisition engine state delays the transition to the Wait for
    Advance Trigger state, and will not store samples in onboard memory,
    accept an Advance Trigger, or trigger on the input signal..
    **Supported Devices**: NI 5185/5186
    equalization_filter_enabled = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150313)
    '''Type: bool

    Enables the onboard signal processing FIR block. This block is connected directly to the input signal.  This filter is designed to compensate the input signal for artifacts introduced to the signal outside  of the digitizer. However, since this is a generic FIR filter any coefficients are valid.  Coefficients  should be between +1 and -1 in value.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].equalization_filter_enabled = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].equalization_filter_enabled
    equalization_num_coefficients = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150312)
    '''Type: int

    Returns the number of coefficients that the FIR filter can accept.  This filter is designed  to compensate the input signal for artifacts introduced to the signal outside of the digitizer.   However, since this is a generic FIR filter any coefficients are valid.  Coefficients should be  between +1 and -1 in value.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        var = session.channels[0,1].equalization_num_coefficients
    exported_advance_trigger_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150109)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination to export the advance trigger.   When the advance trigger is received, the digitizer begins acquiring  samples for the Nth record.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    exported_ref_trigger_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150098)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination export for the reference (stop) trigger.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    exported_start_trigger_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150097)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination to export the Start trigger.   When the start trigger is received, the digitizer begins acquiring  samples.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    _fetch_meas_num_samples = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150081)
    '''Type: int

    Number of samples to fetch when performing a measurement. Use -1 to fetch the actual record length.
    Default Value: -1
    _fetch_num_records = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150080)
    '''Type: int

    Number of records to fetch. Use -1 to fetch all configured records.
    Default Value: -1
    _fetch_offset = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150078)
    '''Type: int

    Offset in samples to start fetching data within each record. The offset is applied relative to  fetch_relative_to.The offset can be positive or negative.
    Default Value: 0
    _fetch_record_number = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150079)
    '''Type: int

    Zero-based index of the first record to fetch.  Use NISCOPE_FETCH_NUM_RECORDS to set the number of records to fetch.
    Default Value: 0.
    _fetch_relative_to = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.FetchRelativeTo, 1150077)
    '''Type: enums.FetchRelativeTo

    Position to start fetching within one record.
    Default Value: FetchRelativeTo.PRETRIGGER
    flex_fir_antialias_filter_type = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.FlexFIRAntialiasFilterType, 1150271)
    '''Type: enums.FlexFIRAntialiasFilterType

    The NI 5922 flexible-resolution digitizer uses an onboard FIR lowpass antialias filter.
    Use this property to select from several types of filters to achieve desired filtering characteristics.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].flex_fir_antialias_filter_type = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].flex_fir_antialias_filter_type
    fpga_bitfile_path = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150375)
    '''Type: str

    Gets the absolute file path to the bitfile loaded on the FPGA.

    Note: Gets the absolute file path to the bitfile loaded on the FPGA.
    glitch_condition = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.GlitchCondition, 1250403)
    '''Type: enums.GlitchCondition

    Specifies whether the oscilloscope triggers on pulses of duration less than or greater than the value specified by the glitch_width property.
    glitch_polarity = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.GlitchPolarity, 1250402)
    '''Type: enums.GlitchPolarity

    Specifies the polarity of pulses that trigger the oscilloscope for glitch triggering.
    glitch_width = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250401)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the glitch duration, in seconds.

    The oscilloscope triggers when it detects of pulse of duration either less than or greater than this value depending on the value of the glitch_condition property.
    high_pass_filter_frequency = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150377)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the frequency for the highpass filter in Hz. The device uses
    one of the valid values listed below. If an invalid value is specified,
    no coercion occurs. The default value is 0.
    **(PXIe-5164) Valid Values:**
    0 90 450
    **Related topics:**
    `Digital Filtering <digitizers.chm::/Digital_Filtering_Overview.html>`__
    horz_enforce_realtime = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150004)
    '''Type: bool

    Indicates whether the digitizer enforces real-time measurements  or allows equivalent-time measurements.
    horz_min_num_pts = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1250009)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the minimum number of points you require in the waveform record for each channel.  NI-SCOPE uses the value you specify to configure the record length that the digitizer uses  for waveform acquisition. horz_record_length returns the actual record length.
    Valid Values: 1 - available onboard memory
    horz_num_records = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150001)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the number of records to acquire. Can be used for multi-record acquisition  and single-record acquisitions. Setting this to 1 indicates a single-record acquisition.
    horz_record_length = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1250008)
    '''Type: int

    Returns the actual number of points the digitizer acquires for each channel.  The value is equal to or greater than the minimum number of points you specify with  horz_min_num_pts.
    Allocate a ViReal64 array of this size or greater to pass as the WaveformArray parameter of  the Read and Fetch methods. This property is only valid after a call to the one of the  Configure Horizontal methods.
    horz_record_ref_position = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250011)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the position of the Reference Event in the waveform record.  When the digitizer detects a trigger, it waits the length of time the  trigger_delay_time property specifies. The event that occurs when  the delay time elapses is the Reference Event. The Reference Event is relative to the  start of the record and is a percentage of the record length. For example, the value 50.0  corresponds to the center of the waveform record and 0.0 corresponds to the first element in the waveform record.
    Valid Values: 0.0 - 100.0
    horz_sample_rate = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250010)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the effective sample rate using the current configuration. The units are samples per second.  This property is only valid after a call to the one of the Configure Horizontal methods.
    Units: Hertz (Samples / Second)
    horz_time_per_record = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1250007)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    Specifies the length of time that corresponds to the record length.
    Units: Seconds
    input_clock_source = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150002)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the input source for the PLL reference clock (the 1 MHz to 20 MHz clock on the NI 5122, the 10 MHz clock  for the NI 5112/5620/5621/5911) to which the digitizer will be phase-locked; for the NI 5102, this is the source  of the board clock.
    input_impedance = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250103)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the input impedance for the channel in Ohms.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].input_impedance = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].input_impedance
    instrument_firmware_revision = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050510)
    '''Type: str

    A string that contains the firmware revision information  for the instrument you are currently using.
    instrument_manufacturer = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050511)
    '''Type: str

    A string that contains the name of the instrument manufacturer.
    instrument_model = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050512)
    '''Type: str

    A string that contains the model number of the current instrument.
    interleaving_offset_correction_enabled = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150376)
    '''Type: bool

    Enables the interleaving offset correction on the specified channel. The
    default value is TRUE.
    **Related topics:**
    `Timed Interleaved
    Sampling <digitizers.chm::/TimeInterleavedSampling.html>`__

    Note: If disabled, warranted specifications are not guaranteed.
    io_resource_descriptor = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050304)
    '''Type: str

    Indicates the resource descriptor the driver uses to identify the physical device.  If you initialize the driver with a logical name, this property contains the resource descriptor  that corresponds to the entry in the IVI Configuration utility.
    If you initialize the instrument driver with the resource descriptor, this property contains that  value.You can pass a logical name to Init or __init__. The IVI Configuration  utility must contain an entry for the logical name. The logical name entry refers to a virtual  instrument section in the IVI Configuration file. The virtual instrument section specifies a physical  device and initial user options.

    One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.
    logical_name = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050305)
    '''Type: str

    A string containing the logical name you specified when opening the current IVI session.  You can pass a logical name to Init or __init__. The IVI Configuration  utility must contain an entry for the logical name. The logical name entry refers to a virtual  instrument section in the IVI Configuration file. The virtual instrument section specifies a physical  device and initial user options.

    One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.
    master_enable = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150008)
    '''Type: bool

    Specifies whether you want the device to be a master or a slave. The master typically originates  the trigger signal and clock sync pulse. For a standalone device, set this property to False.
    max_input_frequency = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250006)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the bandwidth of the channel. Express this value as the frequency at which the input  circuitry attenuates the input signal by 3 dB. The units are hertz.
    Defined Values:
    NISCOPE_VAL_20MHZ_BANDWIDTH (20000000.0)
    NISCOPE_VAL_100MHZ_BANDWIDTH (100000000.0)

    One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].max_input_frequency = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].max_input_frequency
    max_real_time_sampling_rate = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150073)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the maximum real time sample rate in Hz.
    max_ris_rate = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150074)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the maximum sample rate in RIS mode in Hz.
    _meas_array_gain = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150043)
    '''Type: float

    Every element of an array is multiplied by this scalar value during the Array Gain measurement.  Refer to _ArrayMeasurement.ARRAY_GAIN for more information.
    Default: 1.0

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_array_gain = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_array_gain
    _meas_array_offset = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150044)
    '''Type: float

    Every element of an array is added to this scalar value during the Array Offset measurement. Refer to _ArrayMeasurement.ARRAY_OFFSET for more information.
    Default: 0.0

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_array_offset = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_array_offset
    _meas_chan_high_ref_level = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150040)
    '''Type: float

    Stores the high reference level used in many scalar measurements. Different channels may have different reference  levels. Do not use the IVI-defined, nonchannel-based properties such as MEAS_HIGH_REF if you use  this property to set various channels to different values.
    Default: 90%

    One or more of the referenced properties are not in the Python API for this driver.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_chan_high_ref_level = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_chan_high_ref_level
    _meas_chan_low_ref_level = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150038)
    '''Type: float

    Stores the low reference level used in many scalar measurements. Different channels  may have different reference levels. Do not use the IVI-defined, nonchannel-based properties such as  MEAS_LOW_REF if you use this property to set various channels to different values.
    Default: 10%

    One or more of the referenced properties are not in the Python API for this driver.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_chan_low_ref_level = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_chan_low_ref_level
    _meas_chan_mid_ref_level = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150039)
    '''Type: float

    Stores the mid reference level used in many scalar measurements. Different channels  may have different reference levels. Do not use the IVI-defined, nonchannel-based properties such as  MEAS_MID_REF if you use this property to set various channels to different values.
    Default: 50%

    One or more of the referenced properties are not in the Python API for this driver.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_chan_mid_ref_level = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_chan_mid_ref_level
    _meas_filter_center_freq = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150032)
    '''Type: float

    The center frequency in hertz for filters of type bandpass and bandstop. The width of the filter is specified by meas_filter_width, where the cutoff frequencies are the center ± width.
    Default: 1.0e6 Hz

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_filter_center_freq = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_filter_center_freq
    _meas_filter_cutoff_freq = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150031)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the cutoff frequency in hertz for filters of type lowpass and highpass. The cutoff frequency definition varies depending on the filter.
    Default: 1.0e6 Hz

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_filter_cutoff_freq = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_filter_cutoff_freq
    _meas_filter_order = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150036)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the order of an IIR filter. All positive integers are valid.
    Default: 2
    _meas_filter_ripple = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150033)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the amount of ripple in the passband in units of decibels (positive values). Used only for Chebyshev filters. The more ripple allowed gives a sharper cutoff for a given filter order.
    Default: 0.1 dB
    _meas_filter_taps = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150037)
    '''Type: int

    Defines the number of taps (coefficients) for an FIR filter.
    Default: 25
    _meas_filter_transient_waveform_percent = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150034)
    '''Type: float

    The percentage (0 - 100%) of the IIR filtered waveform to eliminate from the beginning of the waveform. This allows eliminating the transient portion of the waveform that is undefined due to the assumptions necessary at the boundary condition.
    Default: 20.0%

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_filter_transient_waveform_percent = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_filter_transient_waveform_percent
    _meas_filter_type = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums._FilterType, 1150035)
    '''Type: enums.FilterType

    Specifies the type of filter, for both IIR and FIR filters. The allowed values are the following:

    One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.
    _meas_filter_width = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150041)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the width of bandpass and bandstop type filters in hertz. The cutoff frequencies occur at meas_filter_center_freq ± one-half width.
    Default: 1.0e3 Hz
    _meas_fir_filter_window = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums._FIRFilterWindow, 1150042)
    '''Type: enums.FIRFilterWindow

    Specifies the FIR window type. The possible choices are:
    The symmetric windows are applied to the FIR filter coefficients to limit passband ripple in FIR filters.
    Default: _FIRFilterWindow.NONE

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_fir_filter_window = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_fir_filter_window
    _meas_hysteresis_percent = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150019)
    '''Type: float

    Digital hysteresis that is used in several of the scalar waveform measurements. This property specifies the percentage of the full-scale vertical range for the hysteresis window size.
    Default: 2%

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_hysteresis_percent = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_hysteresis_percent
    _meas_interpolation_sampling_factor = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150030)
    '''Type: float

    The new number of points for polynomial interpolation is the sampling factor times the input number of points. For example, if you acquire 1,000 points with the digitizer and set this property to 2.5, calling FetchWaveformMeasurementArray with the _ArrayMeasurement.POLYNOMIAL_INTERPOLATION measurement resamples the waveform to 2,500 points.
    Default: 2.0

    One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_interpolation_sampling_factor = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_interpolation_sampling_factor
    _meas_last_acq_histogram_size = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150020)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the size (that is, the number of bins) in the last acquisition histogram. This histogram is used to determine several scalar measurements, most importantly voltage low and voltage high.
    Default: 256

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_last_acq_histogram_size = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_last_acq_histogram_size
    _meas_other_channel = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150018)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the second channel for two-channel measurements, such as _ArrayMeasurement.ADD_CHANNELS. If processing steps are registered with this channel, the processing is done before the waveform is used in a two-channel measurement.
    Default: '0'

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_other_channel = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_other_channel
    _meas_percentage_method = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums._PercentageMethod, 1150045)
    '''Type: enums.PercentageMethod

    Specifies the method used to map percentage reference units to voltages for the reference. Possible values are:

    One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_percentage_method = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_percentage_method
    _meas_polynomial_interpolation_order = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150029)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the polynomial order used for the polynomial interpolation measurement. For example, an order of 1 is linear interpolation whereas an order of 2 specifies parabolic interpolation. Any positive integer is valid.
    Default: 1
    _meas_ref_level_units = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums._RefLevelUnits, 1150016)
    '''Type: enums.RefLevelUnits

    Specifies the units of the reference levels.
    NISCOPE_VAL_MEAS_VOLTAGE--Specifies that the reference levels are given in units of volts
    NISCOPE_VAL_MEAS_PERCENTAGE--Percentage units, where the measurements voltage low and voltage high represent 0% and 100%, respectively.

    One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_ref_level_units = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_ref_level_units
    _meas_time_histogram_high_time = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150028)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the highest time value included in the multiple acquisition time histogram. The units are always seconds.
    Default: 5.0e-4 seconds
    _meas_time_histogram_high_volts = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150026)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the highest voltage value included in the multiple-acquisition time histogram. The units are always volts.
    Default: 10.0 V

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_time_histogram_high_volts = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_time_histogram_high_volts
    _meas_time_histogram_low_time = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150027)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the lowest time value included in the multiple-acquisition time histogram. The units are always seconds.
    Default: -5.0e-4 seconds
    _meas_time_histogram_low_volts = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150025)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the lowest voltage value included in the multiple acquisition time histogram. The units are always volts.
    Default: -10.0 V

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_time_histogram_low_volts = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_time_histogram_low_volts
    _meas_time_histogram_size = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150024)
    '''Type: int

    Determines the multiple acquisition voltage histogram size. The size is set during the first call to a time histogram measurement after clearing the measurement history with _clear_waveform_measurement_stats.
    Default: 256

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].meas_time_histogram_size = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].meas_time_histogram_size
    _meas_voltage_histogram_high_volts = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150023)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the highest voltage value included in the multiple acquisition voltage histogram. The units are always volts.
    Default: 10.0 V
    _meas_voltage_histogram_low_volts = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150022)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the lowest voltage value included in the multiple-acquisition voltage histogram. The units are always volts.
    Default: -10.0 V
    _meas_voltage_histogram_size = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150021)
    '''Type: int

    Determines the multiple acquisition voltage histogram size. The size is set the first time a voltage histogram measurement is called after clearing the measurement history with the method _clear_waveform_measurement_stats.
    Default: 256
    min_sample_rate = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150009)
    '''Type: float

    Specify the sampling rate for the acquisition in Samples per second.
    Valid Values:
    The combination of sampling rate and min record length must allow the  digitizer to sample at a valid sampling rate for the acquisition type specified  in configure_acquisition and not require more memory than the  onboard memory module allows.
    onboard_memory_size = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150069)
    '''Type: int

    Returns the total combined amount of onboard memory for all channels in bytes.
    output_clock_source = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150003)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the output source for the 10 MHz clock to which another digitizer's sample clock can be phased-locked.
    pll_lock_status = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1151303)
    '''Type: bool

    If TRUE, the PLL has remained locked to the external reference clock since it was last checked. If FALSE,  the PLL has become unlocked from the external reference clock since it was last checked.
    points_done = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150082)
    '''Type: float

    Actual number of samples acquired in the record specified by fetch_record_number from the fetch_relative_to and fetch_offset properties.
    poll_interval = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150100)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the poll interval in milliseconds to use during RIS acquisitions to check  whether the acquisition is complete.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].poll_interval = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].poll_interval
    probe_attenuation = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250004)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the probe attenuation for the input channel. For example, for a 10:1 probe,  set this property to 10.0.
    Valid Values:
    Any positive real number. Typical values are 1, 10, and 100.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].probe_attenuation = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].probe_attenuation
    product_code = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1100105)
    ready_for_advance_event_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150112)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination for the Ready for Advance Event.    When this event is asserted, the digitizer is ready to receive an advance trigger.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    ready_for_ref_event_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150111)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination for the Ready for Reference Event.   When this event is asserted, the digitizer is ready to receive a reference trigger.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    ready_for_start_event_output_terminal = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150110)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the destination for the Ready for Start Event.   When this event is asserted, the digitizer is ready to receive a start trigger.
    Consult your device documentation for a specific list of valid destinations.
    records_done = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150083)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the number of records that have been completely acquired.
    record_arm_source = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150065)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the record arm source.
    ref_clk_rate = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150090)
    '''Type: float

    If input_clock_source is an external source, this property specifies the frequency of the input,  or reference clock, to which the internal sample clock timebase is synchronized. The frequency is in hertz.
    ref_trigger_detector_location = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.RefTriggerDetectorLocation, 1150314)
    '''Type: enums.RefTriggerDetectorLocation

    Indicates which analog compare circuitry to use on the device.
    ref_trigger_minimum_quiet_time = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1150315)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    The amount of time the trigger circuit must not detect a signal above the trigger level before  the trigger is armed.  This property is useful for triggering at the beginning and not in the  middle of signal bursts.
    ref_trig_tdc_enable = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150096)
    '''Type: bool

    This property controls whether the TDC is used to compute an accurate trigger.
    resolution = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150102)
    '''Type: int

    Indicates the bit width of valid data (as opposed to padding bits) in the acquired waveform. Compare to binary_sample_width.
    ris_in_auto_setup_enable = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150106)
    '''Type: bool

    Indicates whether the digitizer should use RIS sample rates when searching for a frequency in autosetup.
    Valid Values:
    True  (1) - Use RIS sample rates in autosetup
    False (0) - Do not use RIS sample rates in autosetup
    ris_method = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.RISMethod, 1150071)
    '''Type: enums.RISMethod

    Specifies the algorithm for random-interleaved sampling, which is used if the sample rate exceeds the  value of max_real_time_sampling_rate.
    ris_num_averages = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150070)
    '''Type: int

    The number of averages for each bin in an RIS acquisition.  The number of averages  times the oversampling factor is the minimum number of real-time acquisitions  necessary to reconstruct the RIS waveform.  Averaging is useful in RIS because  the trigger times are not evenly spaced, so adjacent points in the reconstructed  waveform not be accurately spaced.  By averaging, the errors in both time and  voltage are smoothed.
    runt_high_threshold = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250301)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the higher of two thresholds, in volts, that bound the vertical range to examine for runt pulses.

    The runt threshold that causes the oscilloscope to trigger depends on the runt polarity you select. Refer to the runt_polarity property for more information.
    runt_low_threshold = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250302)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the lower of two thresholds, in volts, that bound the vertical range to examine for runt pulses.

    The runt threshold that causes the oscilloscope to trigger depends on the runt polarity you select. Refer to the runt_polarity property for more information.
    runt_polarity = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.RuntPolarity, 1250303)
    '''Type: enums.RuntPolarity

    Specifies the polarity of pulses that trigger the oscilloscope for runt triggering.

    When set to RuntPolarity.POSITIVE, the oscilloscope triggers when the following conditions are met:
        * The leading edge of a pulse crosses the runt_low_threshold in a positive direction;
        * The trailing edge of the pulse crosses the runt_low_threshold in a negative direction; and
        * No portion of the pulse crosses the runt_high_threshold.

    When set to RuntPolarity.NEGATIVE, the oscilloscope triggers when the following conditions are met:
        * The leading edge of a pulse crosses the runt_high_threshold in a negative direction;
        * The trailing edge of the pulse crosses the runt_high_threshold in a positive direction; and
        * No portion of the pulse crosses the runt_low_threshold.

    When set to RuntPolarity.EITHER, the oscilloscope triggers in either case.
    runt_time_condition = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.RuntTimeCondition, 1150132)
    '''Type: enums.RuntTimeCondition

    Specifies whether runt triggers are time qualified, and if so, how the oscilloscope triggers in relation to the duration range bounded by the runt_time_low_limit and runt_time_high_limit properties.
    runt_time_high_limit = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150134)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies, in seconds, the high runt threshold time.

    This property sets the upper bound on the duration of runt pulses that may trigger the oscilloscope. The runt_time_condition property determines how the oscilloscope triggers in relation to the runt time limits.
    runt_time_low_limit = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150133)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies, in seconds, the low runt threshold time.

    This property sets the lower bound on the duration of runt pulses that may trigger the oscilloscope. The runt_time_condition property determines how the oscilloscope triggers in relation to the runt time limits.
    sample_mode = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1250106)
    '''Type: int

    Indicates the sample mode the digitizer is currently using.
    samp_clk_timebase_div = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150089)
    '''Type: int

    If samp_clk_timebase_src is an external source, specifies the ratio between the sample clock timebase rate and the actual sample rate, which can be slower.
    sample_clock_timebase_multiplier = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1150367)
    '''Type: int

    If samp_clk_timebase_src is an external source, this property specifies the ratio between the samp_clk_timebase_rate and the actual sample rate, which can be higher. This property can be used in conjunction with samp_clk_timebase_div.
    Some devices use multiple ADCs to sample the same channel at an effective sample rate that is greater than the specified clock rate. When providing an external sample clock use this property to indicate when you want a higher sample rate. Valid values for this property vary by device and current configuration.

    **Related topics:**
    `Sample Clock <digitizers.chm::/Sample_Clock.html>`__
    samp_clk_timebase_rate = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150088)
    '''Type: float

    If samp_clk_timebase_src is an external source, specifies the frequency in hertz of the external clock used as the timebase source.
    samp_clk_timebase_src = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150087)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the source of the sample clock timebase, which is the timebase used to control waveform sampling.  The actual sample rate may be the timebase itself or a divided version of the timebase, depending on the  min_sample_rate (for internal sources) or the samp_clk_timebase_div (for external sources).
    serial_number = _attributes.AttributeViString(1150104)
    '''Type: str

    Returns the serial number of the device.
    accessory_gain = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150279)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the calibration gain for the current device configuration.

    **Related topics:**
    `NI 5122/5124/5142 Calibration <digitizers.chm::/5122_Calibration.html>`__

    This property is supported only by the NI PXI-5900 differential amplifier.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        var = session.channels[0,1].signal_cond_gain
    accessory_offset = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150280)
    '''Type: float

    Returns the calibration offset for the current device configuration.

    **Related topics:**
    `NI 5122/5124/5142 Calibration <digitizers.chm::/5122_Calibration.html>`__

    This property is supported only by the NI PXI-5900 differential amplifier.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        var = session.channels[0,1].signal_cond_offset
    simulate = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1050005)
    '''Type: bool

    Specifies whether or not to simulate instrument driver I/O operations.  If  simulation is enabled, instrument driver methods perform range checking  and call Ivi_GetAttribute and Ivi_SetAttribute methods, but they do not  perform instrument I/O.  For output parameters that represent instrument  data, the instrument driver methods return calculated values.
    The default value is False.   Use the __init__  method to override this value.
    specific_driver_description = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050514)
    '''Type: str

    A string that contains a brief description of the specific  driver
    specific_driver_revision = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050551)
    '''Type: str

    A string that contains additional version information about this  instrument driver.
    specific_driver_vendor = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050513)
    '''Type: str

    A string that contains the name of the vendor that supplies this driver.
    start_to_ref_trigger_holdoff = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1150103)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    Pass the length of time you want the digitizer to wait after it starts acquiring  data until the digitizer enables the trigger system to detect a reference (stop) trigger.
    Units: Seconds
    Valid Values: 0.0 - 171.8

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].start_to_ref_trigger_holdoff = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].start_to_ref_trigger_holdoff
    supported_instrument_models = _attributes.AttributeViString(1050327)
    '''Type: str

    A string that contains a comma-separated list of the instrument model numbers supported by this driver.
    trigger_auto_triggered = _attributes.AttributeViBoolean(1150278)
    '''Type: bool

    Specifies if the last acquisition was auto triggered.   You can use the Auto Triggered property to find out if the last acquisition was triggered.
    trigger_coupling = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerCoupling, 1250014)
    '''Type: enums.TriggerCoupling

    Specifies how the digitizer couples the trigger source. This property affects instrument operation only when  trigger_type is set to TriggerType.EDGE, TriggerType.HYSTERESIS, or TriggerType.WINDOW.
    trigger_delay_time = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1250015)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    Specifies the trigger delay time in seconds. The trigger delay time is the length of time the digitizer waits  after it receives the trigger. The event that occurs when the trigger delay elapses is the Reference Event.
    Valid Values: 0.0 - 171.8
    trigger_holdoff = _attributes.AttributeViReal64TimeDeltaSeconds(1250016)
    '''Type: float in seconds or datetime.timedelta

    Specifies the length of time (in seconds) the digitizer waits after detecting a trigger before  enabling the trigger subsystem to detect another trigger. This property affects instrument operation  only when the digitizer requires multiple acquisitions to build a complete waveform. The digitizer requires  multiple waveform acquisitions when it uses equivalent-time sampling or when the digitizer is configured for a  multi-record acquisition through a call to configure_horizontal_timing.
    Valid Values: 0.0 - 171.8
    trigger_hysteresis = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150006)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the size of the hysteresis window on either side of the trigger level.  The digitizer triggers when the trigger signal passes through the threshold you specify  with the Trigger Level parameter, has the slope you specify with the Trigger Slope parameter,  and passes through the hysteresis window that you specify with this parameter.
    trigger_impedance = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150075)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the input impedance for the external analog trigger channel in Ohms.
    Valid Values:
    50      - 50 ohms
    1000000 - 1 mega ohm
    trigger_level = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250017)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the voltage threshold for the trigger subsystem. The units are volts.  This property affects instrument behavior only when the trigger_type is set to  TriggerType.EDGE, TriggerType.HYSTERESIS, or TriggerType.WINDOW.
    Valid Values:
    The values of the range and offset parameters in configure_vertical determine the valid range for the trigger level  on the channel you use as the Trigger Source. The value you pass for this parameter must meet the following conditions:
    trigger_modifier = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerModifier, 1250102)
    '''Type: enums.TriggerModifier

    Configures the device to automatically complete an acquisition if a trigger has not been received.
    Valid Values:
    None (1)         - Normal triggering
    Auto Trigger (2) - Auto trigger acquisition if no trigger arrives
    trigger_slope = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerSlope, 1250018)
    '''Type: enums.TriggerSlope

    Specifies if a rising or a falling edge triggers the digitizer.  This property affects instrument operation only when trigger_type is set to  TriggerType.EDGE, TriggerType.HYSTERESIS, or TriggerType.WINDOW.
    trigger_source = _attributes.AttributeViString(1250013)
    '''Type: str

    Specifies the source the digitizer monitors for the trigger event.
    trigger_type = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerType, 1250012)
    '''Type: enums.TriggerType

    Specifies the type of trigger to use.
    trigger_window_high_level = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150014)
    '''Type: float

    Pass the upper voltage threshold you want the digitizer to use for  window triggering.
    The digitizer triggers when the trigger signal enters or leaves  the window you specify with trigger_window_low_level and trigger_window_high_level
    Valid Values:
    The values of the Vertical Range and Vertical Offset parameters in  configure_vertical determine the valid range for the  High Window Level on the channel you use as the Trigger Source parameter  in ConfigureTriggerSource.  The value you pass for this parameter  must meet the following conditions.
    High Trigger Level <= Vertical Range/2 + Vertical Offset
    High Trigger Level >= (-Vertical Range/2) + Vertical Offset
    High Trigger Level > Low Trigger Level

    One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.
    trigger_window_low_level = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1150013)
    '''Type: float

    Pass the lower voltage threshold you want the digitizer to use for  window triggering.
    The digitizer triggers when the trigger signal enters or leaves  the window you specify with trigger_window_low_level and trigger_window_high_level.
    Units: Volts
    Valid Values:
    The values of the Vertical Range and Vertical Offset parameters in  configure_vertical determine the valid range for the  Low Window Level on the channel you use as the Trigger Source parameter  in ConfigureTriggerSource.  The value you pass for this parameter  must meet the following conditions.
    Low Trigger Level <= Vertical Range/2 + Vertical Offset
    Low Trigger Level >= (-Vertical Range/2) + Vertical Offset
    Low Trigger Level < High Trigger Level

    One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.
    trigger_window_mode = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.TriggerWindowMode, 1150012)
    '''Type: enums.TriggerWindowMode

    Specifies whether you want a trigger to occur when the signal enters or leaves the window specified by  trigger_window_low_level, or trigger_window_high_level.
    tv_trigger_event = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.VideoTriggerEvent, 1250205)
    '''Type: enums.VideoTriggerEvent

    Specifies the condition in the video signal that causes the digitizer to trigger.
    tv_trigger_line_number = _attributes.AttributeViInt32(1250206)
    '''Type: int

    Specifies the line on which to trigger, if tv_trigger_event is set to line number. The  valid ranges of the property depend on the signal format selected.  M-NTSC has a valid range of 1 to 525.  B/G-PAL, SECAM, 576i, and 576p have a valid range of  1 to 625. 720p has a valid range of 1 to 750. 1080i and 1080p have a valid range of 1125.
    tv_trigger_polarity = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.VideoPolarity, 1250204)
    '''Type: enums.VideoPolarity

    Specifies whether the video signal sync is positive or negative.
    tv_trigger_signal_format = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.VideoSignalFormat, 1250201)
    '''Type: enums.VideoSignalFormat

    Specifies the type of video signal, such as NTSC, PAL, or SECAM.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].tv_trigger_signal_format = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].tv_trigger_signal_format
    vertical_coupling = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.VerticalCoupling, 1250003)
    '''Type: enums.VerticalCoupling

    Specifies how the digitizer couples the input signal for the channel.  When input coupling changes, the input stage takes a finite amount of time to settle.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].vertical_coupling = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].vertical_coupling
    vertical_offset = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250002)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the location of the center of the range. The value is with respect to ground and is in volts.  For example, to acquire a sine wave that spans between 0.0 and 10.0 V, set this property to 5.0 V.

    Note: This property is not supported by all digitizers.Refer to the NI High-Speed Digitizers Help for a list of vertical offsets supported for each device.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].vertical_offset = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].vertical_offset
    vertical_range = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250001)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the absolute value of the input range for a channel in volts.  For example, to acquire a sine wave that spans between -5 and +5 V, set this property to 10.0 V.
    Refer to the NI High-Speed Digitizers Help for a list of supported vertical ranges for each device.  If the specified range is not supported by a device, the value is coerced  up to the next valid range.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].vertical_range = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].vertical_range
    width_condition = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViInt32, enums.WidthCondition, 1250504)
    '''Type: enums.WidthCondition

    Specifies whether the oscilloscope triggers on pulses within or outside the duration range bounded by the width_low_threshold and width_high_threshold properties.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].width_condition = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].width_condition
    width_high_threshold = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250502)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the high width threshold, in seconds.

    This properties sets the upper bound on the duration range that triggers the oscilloscope. The width_condition property determines how the oscilloscope triggers in relation to the width thresholds.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].width_high_threshold = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].width_high_threshold
    width_low_threshold = _attributes.AttributeViReal64(1250501)
    '''Type: float

    Specifies the low width threshold, in seconds.

    This property sets the lower bound on the duration range that triggers the oscilloscope. The width_condition property determines how the oscilloscope triggers in relation to the width thresholds.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].width_low_threshold = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].width_low_threshold
    width_polarity = _attributes.AttributeEnum(_attributes.AttributeViReal64, enums.WidthPolarity, 1250503)
    '''Type: enums.WidthPolarity

    Specifies the polarity of pulses that trigger the oscilloscope for width triggering.

    This property can use repeated capabilities (channels). If set or get directly on the
    niscope.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
    You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
    niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result.:

        session.channels[0,1].width_polarity = var
        var = session.channels[0,1].width_polarity

    def __init__(self, repeated_capability_list, vi, library, encoding, freeze_it=False):
        self._repeated_capability_list = repeated_capability_list
        self._repeated_capability = ','.join(repeated_capability_list)
        self._vi = vi
        self._library = library
        self._encoding = encoding

        # Store the parameter list for later printing in __repr__
        param_list = []
        param_list.append("repeated_capability_list=" + pp.pformat(repeated_capability_list))
        param_list.append("vi=" + pp.pformat(vi))
        param_list.append("library=" + pp.pformat(library))
        param_list.append("encoding=" + pp.pformat(encoding))
        self._param_list = ', '.join(param_list)

        self._is_frozen = freeze_it

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{0}.{1}({2})'.format('niscope', self.__class__.__name__, self._param_list)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if self._is_frozen and key not in dir(self):
            raise AttributeError("'{0}' object has no attribute '{1}'".format(type(self).__name__, key))
        object.__setattr__(self, key, value)

    def _get_error_description(self, error_code):

        Returns the error description.
            _, error_string = self._get_error()
            return error_string
        except errors.Error:

            It is expected for _get_error to raise when the session is invalid
            (IVI spec requires GetError to fail).
            Use _error_message instead. It doesn't require a session.
            error_string = self._error_message(error_code)
            return error_string
        except errors.Error:
            return "Failed to retrieve error description."

    ''' These are code-generated '''

    def _actual_meas_wfm_size(self, array_meas_function):

        Returns the total available size of an array measurement acquisition.

            array_meas_function (enums.ArrayMeasurement): The `array
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(array_measurements_refs)>`__
                to perform.

            meas_waveform_size (int): Returns the size (in number of samples) of the resulting analysis

        if type(array_meas_function) is not enums._ArrayMeasurement:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums._ArrayMeasurement))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        array_meas_function_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(array_meas_function.value)  # case S130
        meas_waveform_size_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32()  # case S220
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ActualMeasWfmSize(vi_ctype, array_meas_function_ctype, None if meas_waveform_size_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(meas_waveform_size_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return int(meas_waveform_size_ctype.value)

    def _actual_num_wfms(self):

        Helps you to declare appropriately sized waveforms. NI-SCOPE handles the
        channel list parsing for you.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            num_wfms (int): Returns the number of records times the number of channels; if you are
                operating in DDC mode (NI 5620/5621 only), this value is multiplied by

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        num_wfms_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32()  # case S220
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ActualNumWfms(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, None if num_wfms_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(num_wfms_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return int(num_wfms_ctype.value)

    def _add_waveform_processing(self, meas_function):

        Adds one measurement to the list of processing steps that are completed
        before the measurement. The processing is added on a per channel basis,
        and the processing measurements are completed in the same order they are
        registered. All measurement library parameters—the properties starting
        with MEAS—are cached at the time of registering the
        processing, and this set of parameters is used during the processing
        step. The processing measurements are streamed, so the result of the
        first processing step is used as the input for the next step. The
        processing is done before any other measurements.

        One or more of the referenced properties are not in the Python API for this driver.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            meas_function (enums.ArrayMeasurement): The `array
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(array_measurements_refs)>`__
                to add.

        if type(meas_function) is not enums._ArrayMeasurement:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums._ArrayMeasurement))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        meas_function_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(meas_function.value)  # case S130
        error_code = self._library.niScope_AddWaveformProcessing(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, meas_function_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def self_cal(self, option=enums.Option.SELF_CALIBRATE_ALL_CHANNELS):

        Self-calibrates most NI digitizers, including all SMC-based devices and
        most Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) devices. To verify that your digitizer
        supports self-calibration, refer to `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__.

        For SMC-based digitizers, if the self-calibration is performed
        successfully in a regular session, the calibration constants are
        immediately stored in the self-calibration area of the EEPROM. If the
        self-calibration is performed in an external calibration session, the
        calibration constants take effect immediately for the duration of the
        session. However, they are not stored in the EEPROM until
        CalEnd is called with **action** set to
        NISCOPE_VAL_ACTION_STORE and no errors occur.

        One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

        One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            option (enums.Option): The calibration option. Use VI_NULL for a normal self-calibration
                restore the previous calibration.

                One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed.

        if type(option) is not enums.Option:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.Option))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        option_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(option.value)  # case S130
        error_code = self._library.niScope_CalSelfCalibrate(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, option_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def _clear_waveform_measurement_stats(self, clearable_measurement_function=enums._ClearableMeasurement.ALL_MEASUREMENTS):

        Clears the waveform stats on the channel and measurement you specify. If
        you want to clear all of the measurements, use
        _ClearableMeasurement.ALL_MEASUREMENTS in the **clearableMeasurementFunction**

        Every time a measurement is called, the statistics information is
        updated, including the min, max, mean, standard deviation, and number of
        updates. This information is fetched with
        _fetch_measurement_stats. The multi-acquisition array measurements
        are also cleared with this method.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            clearable_measurement_function (enums.ClearableMeasurement): The `scalar
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(scalar_measurements_refs)>`__
                or `array
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(array_measurements_refs)>`__
                to clear the stats for.

        if type(clearable_measurement_function) is not enums._ClearableMeasurement:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums._ClearableMeasurement))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        clearable_measurement_function_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(clearable_measurement_function.value)  # case S130
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ClearWaveformMeasurementStats(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, clearable_measurement_function_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def _clear_waveform_processing(self):

        Clears the list of processing steps assigned to the given channel. The
        processing is added using the _add_waveform_processing method,
        where the processing steps are completed in the same order in which they
        are registered. The processing measurements are streamed, so the result
        of the first processing step is used as the input for the next step. The
        processing is also done before any other measurements.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ClearWaveformProcessing(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def configure_chan_characteristics(self, input_impedance, max_input_frequency):

        Configures the properties that control the electrical characteristics of
        the channel—the input impedance and the bandwidth.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1].configure_chan_characteristics(input_impedance, max_input_frequency)

            input_impedance (float): The input impedance for the channel; NI-SCOPE sets
                input_impedance to this value.

            max_input_frequency (float): The bandwidth for the channel; NI-SCOPE sets
                max_input_frequency to this value. Pass 0 for this
                value to use the hardware default bandwidth. Pass –1 for this value to
                achieve full bandwidth.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        input_impedance_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(input_impedance)  # case S150
        max_input_frequency_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(max_input_frequency)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureChanCharacteristics(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, input_impedance_ctype, max_input_frequency_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def configure_equalization_filter_coefficients(self, coefficients):

        Configures the custom coefficients for the equalization FIR filter on
        the device. This filter is designed to compensate the input signal for
        artifacts introduced to the signal outside of the digitizer. Because
        this filter is a generic FIR filter, any coefficients are valid.
        Coefficient values should be between +1 and –1.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            coefficients (list of float): The custom coefficients for the equalization FIR filter on the device.
                These coefficients should be between +1 and –1. You can obtain the
                number of coefficients from the
                `equalization_num_coefficients <cviequalization_num_coefficients.html>`__
                property. The
                `equalization_filter_enabled <cviequalization_filter_enabled.html>`__
                property must be set to TRUE to enable the filter.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        number_of_coefficients_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(0 if coefficients is None else len(coefficients))  # case S160
        coefficients_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=coefficients, library_type=_visatype.ViReal64)  # case B550
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureEqualizationFilterCoefficients(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, number_of_coefficients_ctype, coefficients_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def configure_vertical(self, range, coupling, offset=0.0, probe_attenuation=1.0, enabled=True):

        Configures the most commonly configured properties of the digitizer
        vertical subsystem, such as the range, offset, coupling, probe
        attenuation, and the channel.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1].configure_vertical(range, coupling, offset=0.0, probe_attenuation=1.0, enabled=True)

            range (float): Specifies the vertical range Refer to vertical_range for
                more information.

            coupling (enums.VerticalCoupling): Specifies how to couple the input signal. Refer to
                vertical_coupling for more information.

            offset (float): Specifies the vertical offset. Refer to vertical_offset
                for more information.

            probe_attenuation (float): Specifies the probe attenuation. Refer to
                probe_attenuation for valid values.

            enabled (bool): Specifies whether the channel is enabled for acquisition. Refer to
                channel_enabled for more information.

        if type(coupling) is not enums.VerticalCoupling:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.VerticalCoupling))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        range_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(range)  # case S150
        offset_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(offset)  # case S150
        coupling_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(coupling.value)  # case S130
        probe_attenuation_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(probe_attenuation)  # case S150
        enabled_ctype = _visatype.ViBoolean(enabled)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureVertical(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, range_ctype, offset_ctype, coupling_ctype, probe_attenuation_ctype, enabled_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def fetch(self, num_samples=None, relative_to=enums.FetchRelativeTo.PRETRIGGER, offset=0, record_number=0, num_records=None, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Returns the waveform from a previously initiated acquisition that the
        digitizer acquires for the specified channel. This method returns
        scaled voltage waveforms.

        This method may return multiple waveforms depending on the number of
        channels, the acquisition type, and the number of records you specify.

        Note: Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all digitizers.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1].fetch(num_samples=None, relative_to=niscope.FetchRelativeTo.PRETRIGGER, offset=0, record_number=0, num_records=None, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout period, the method raises.

            relative_to (enums.FetchRelativeTo): Position to start fetching within one record.

            offset (int): Offset in samples to start fetching data within each record. The offset can be positive or negative.

            record_number (int): Zero-based index of the first record to fetch.

            num_records (int): Number of records to fetch. Use -1 to fetch all configured records.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait for data to be acquired; using 0 for this parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using -1 seconds for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            wfm_info (list of WaveformInfo): Returns an array of classes with the following timing and scaling information about each waveform:

                -  **relative_initial_x** (float) the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absolute_initial_x** (float) timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for this output.
                -  **x_increment** (float) the time between points in the acquired waveform in seconds
                -  **channel** (str) channel name this waveform was asquire from
                -  **record** (int) record number of this waveform
                -  **gain** (float) the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling binary data with the following formula:

                    .. math::

                        voltage = binary data * gain factor + offset

                -  **offset** (float) the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling binary data with the following formula:

                    .. math::

                        voltage = binary data * gain factor + offset

                - **samples** (array of float) floating point array of samples. Length will be of the actual samples acquired

        import sys

        # Set the fetch attributes
        with _NoChannel(session=self):
            self._fetch_relative_to = relative_to
            self._fetch_offset = offset
            self._fetch_record_number = record_number
            self._fetch_num_records = -1 if num_records is None else num_records
            if num_samples is None:
                num_samples = self.horz_record_length

        wfm, wfm_info = self._fetch(num_samples, timeout)

        if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
            # In Python 3 and newer we can use memoryview objects to give us pieces of the underlying array. This is much faster
            mv = memoryview(wfm)

        for i in range(len(wfm_info)):
            start = i * num_samples
            end = start + wfm_info[i]._actual_samples
            # We use the actual number of samples returned from the device to determine the end of the waveform. We then remove it from the wfm_info
            # since the length of the wfm will tell us that information
            wfm_info[i]._actual_samples = None
            if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
                wfm_info[i].samples = mv[start:end]
                # memoryview in Python 2 doesn't support numeric types, so we copy into an array.array to put in the wfm. :( You should be using Python 3!
                # Or use the _into version. memoryview in Python 2 only supports string and bytearray, not array.array or numpy.ndarray of arbitrary types.
                wfm_info[i].samples = array.array('d', wfm[start:end])

        lwfm_i = len(wfm_info)
        lrcl = len(self._repeated_capability_list)
        # Should this raise instead? If this asserts, is it the users fault?
        assert lwfm_i % lrcl == 0, 'Number of waveforms should be evenly divisible by the number of channels: len(wfm_info) == {0}, len(self._repeated_capability_list) == {1}'.format(lwfm_i, lrcl)
        actual_num_records = int(lwfm_i / lrcl)
        i = 0
        for chan in self._repeated_capability_list:
            for rec in range(offset, offset + actual_num_records):
                wfm_info[i].channel = chan
                wfm_info[i].record = rec
                i += 1

        return wfm_info

    def get_equalization_filter_coefficients(self):

        Retrieves the custom coefficients for the equalization FIR filter on the device. This filter is designed to compensate the input signal for artifacts introduced to the signal outside of the digitizer. Because this filter is a generic FIR filter, any coefficients are valid. Coefficient values should be between +1 and –1.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

        return self._get_equalization_filter_coefficients(self.equalization_num_coefficients)

    def read(self, num_samples=None, relative_to=enums.FetchRelativeTo.PRETRIGGER, offset=0, record_number=0, num_records=None, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Initiates an acquisition, waits for it to complete, and retrieves the
        data. The process is similar to calling _initiate_acquisition,
        acquisition_status, and fetch. The only difference is
        that with read, you enable all channels specified with
        **channelList** before the acquisition; in the other method, you enable
        the channels with configure_vertical.

        This method may return multiple waveforms depending on the number of
        channels, the acquisition type, and the number of records you specify.

        Note: Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all digitizers.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1].read(num_samples=None, relative_to=niscope.FetchRelativeTo.PRETRIGGER, offset=0, record_number=0, num_records=None, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout period, the method raises.

            relative_to (enums.FetchRelativeTo): Position to start fetching within one record.

            offset (int): Offset in samples to start fetching data within each record. The offset can be positive or negative.

            record_number (int): Zero-based index of the first record to fetch.

            num_records (int): Number of records to fetch. Use -1 to fetch all configured records.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait for data to be acquired; using 0 for this parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using -1 seconds for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            wfm_info (list of WaveformInfo): Returns an array of classes with the following timing and scaling information about each waveform:

                -  **relative_initial_x** (float) the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absolute_initial_x** (float) timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for this output.
                -  **x_increment** (float) the time between points in the acquired waveform in seconds
                -  **channel** (str) channel name this waveform was asquire from
                -  **record** (int) record number of this waveform
                -  **gain** (float) the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling binary data with the following formula:

                    .. math::

                        voltage = binary data * gain factor + offset

                -  **offset** (float) the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling binary data with the following formula:

                    .. math::

                        voltage = binary data * gain factor + offset

                - **samples** (array of float) floating point array of samples. Length will be of the actual samples acquired

        import sys

        # Set the fetch attributes
        with _NoChannel(session=self):
            self._fetch_relative_to = relative_to
            self._fetch_offset = offset
            self._fetch_record_number = record_number
            self._fetch_num_records = -1 if num_records is None else num_records
            if num_samples is None:
                num_samples = self.horz_record_length

        wfm, wfm_info = self._read(num_samples, timeout)

        if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
            # In Python 3 and newer we can use memoryview objects to give us pieces of the underlying array. This is much faster
            mv = memoryview(wfm)

        for i in range(len(wfm_info)):
            start = i * num_samples
            end = start + wfm_info[i]._actual_samples
            # We use the actual number of samples returned from the device to determine the end of the waveform. We then remove it from the wfm_info
            # since the length of the wfm will tell us that information
            wfm_info[i]._actual_samples = None
            if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
                wfm_info[i].samples = mv[start:end]
                # memoryview in Python 2 doesn't support numeric types, so we copy into an array.array to put in the wfm. :( You should be using Python 3!
                # Or use the _into version. memoryview in Python 2 only supports string and bytearray, not array.array or numpy.ndarray of arbitrary types.
                wfm_info[i].samples = array.array('d', wfm[start:end])

        lwfm_i = len(wfm_info)
        lrcl = len(self._repeated_capability_list)
        # Should this raise instead? If this asserts, is it the users fault?
        assert lwfm_i % lrcl == 0, 'Number of waveforms should be evenly divisible by the number of channels: len(wfm_info) == {0}, len(self._repeated_capability_list) == {1}'.format(lwfm_i, lrcl)
        actual_num_records = int(lwfm_i / lrcl)
        i = 0
        for chan in self._repeated_capability_list:
            for rec in range(offset, offset + actual_num_records):
                wfm_info[i].channel = chan
                wfm_info[i].record = rec
                i += 1

        return wfm_info

    def _fetch(self, num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Returns the waveform from a previously initiated acquisition that the
        digitizer acquires for the specified channel. This method returns
        scaled voltage waveforms.

        This method may return multiple waveforms depending on the number of
        channels, the acquisition type, and the number of records you specify.

        You can use read instead of this method. read
        starts an acquisition on all enabled channels, waits for the acquisition
        to complete, and returns the waveform for the specified channel.

        Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all
        digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for
        more information.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch(num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the
                acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices
                return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a
                timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout
                period, the method returns an error.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            waveform (array.array("d")): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            wfm_info (list of WaveformInfo): Returns an array of structures with the following timing and scaling
                information about each waveform:

                -  **relativeInitialX**—the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the
                   first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absoluteInitialX**—timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched
                   sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and
                   acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for
                   this output.
                -  **xIncrement**—the time between points in the acquired waveform in
                -  **actualSamples**—the actual number of samples fetched and placed in
                   the waveform array
                -  **gain**—the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                -  **offset**—the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the size of this array.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        num_samples_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(num_samples)  # case S150
        waveform_size = (num_samples * self._actual_num_wfms())  # case B560
        waveform_array = array.array("d", [0] * waveform_size)  # case B560
        waveform_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=waveform_array, library_type=_visatype.ViReal64)  # case B560
        wfm_info_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        wfm_info_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=waveform_info.struct_niScope_wfmInfo, size=wfm_info_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_Fetch(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, num_samples_ctype, waveform_ctype, wfm_info_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return waveform_array, [waveform_info.WaveformInfo(wfm_info_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _fetch_into_numpy(self, num_samples, waveform, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Returns the waveform from a previously initiated acquisition that the
        digitizer acquires for the specified channel. This method returns
        scaled voltage waveforms.

        This method may return multiple waveforms depending on the number of
        channels, the acquisition type, and the number of records you specify.

        You can use read instead of this method. read
        starts an acquisition on all enabled channels, waits for the acquisition
        to complete, and returns the waveform for the specified channel.

        Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all
        digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for
        more information.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch(num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the
                acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices
                return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a
                timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout
                period, the method returns an error.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float64)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.float64)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            wfm_info (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.WaveformInfo)): Returns an array of structures with the following timing and scaling
                information about each waveform:

                -  **relativeInitialX**—the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the
                   first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absoluteInitialX**—timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched
                   sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and
                   acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for
                   this output.
                -  **xIncrement**—the time between points in the acquired waveform in
                -  **actualSamples**—the actual number of samples fetched and placed in
                   the waveform array
                -  **gain**—the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                -  **offset**—the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the size of this array.

        import numpy

        if type(waveform) is not numpy.ndarray:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be {0}, is {1}'.format(numpy.ndarray, type(waveform)))
        if numpy.isfortran(waveform) is True:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be in C-order')
        if waveform.dtype is not numpy.dtype('float64'):
            raise TypeError('waveform must be numpy.ndarray of dtype=float64, is ' + str(waveform.dtype))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        num_samples_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(num_samples)  # case S150
        waveform_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=waveform)  # case B510
        wfm_info_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        wfm_info_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=waveform_info.struct_niScope_wfmInfo, size=wfm_info_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_Fetch(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, num_samples_ctype, waveform_ctype, wfm_info_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [waveform_info.WaveformInfo(wfm_info_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _fetch_array_measurement(self, array_meas_function, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Obtains a waveform from the digitizer and returns the specified
        measurement array. This method may return multiple waveforms depending
        on the number of channels, the acquisition type, and the number of
        records you specify.

        Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all
        digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for
        more information.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch_array_measurement(array_meas_function, meas_wfm_size, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            array_meas_function (enums.ArrayMeasurement): The `array
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(array_measurements_refs)>`__
                to perform.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            meas_wfm (list of float): Returns an array whose length is the number of waveforms times
                **measWfmSize**; call _actual_num_wfms to determine the number of
                waveforms; call _actual_meas_wfm_size to determine the size of each

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with channel list of 0, 1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

            wfm_info (list of WaveformInfo): Returns an array of structures with the following timing and scaling
                information about each waveform:

                -  **relativeInitialX**—the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the
                   first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absoluteInitialX**—timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched
                   sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and
                   acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for
                   this output.
                -  **xIncrement**—the time between points in the acquired waveform in
                -  **actualSamples**—the actual number of samples fetched and placed in
                   the waveform array
                -  **gain**—the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                -  **offset**—the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the size of this array.

        if type(array_meas_function) is not enums._ArrayMeasurement:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums._ArrayMeasurement))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        array_meas_function_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(array_meas_function.value)  # case S130
        meas_wfm_size_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(self._actual_meas_wfm_size(array_meas_function))  # case S120
        meas_wfm_size = (self._actual_meas_wfm_size(array_meas_function) * self._actual_num_wfms())  # case B560
        meas_wfm_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=meas_wfm_size)  # case B560
        wfm_info_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        wfm_info_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=waveform_info.struct_niScope_wfmInfo, size=wfm_info_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_FetchArrayMeasurement(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, array_meas_function_ctype, meas_wfm_size_ctype, meas_wfm_ctype, wfm_info_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [float(meas_wfm_ctype[i]) for i in range((self._actual_meas_wfm_size(array_meas_function) * self._actual_num_wfms()))], [waveform_info.WaveformInfo(wfm_info_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _fetch_binary16_into_numpy(self, num_samples, waveform, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Retrieves data from a previously initiated acquisition and returns
        binary 16-bit waveforms. This method may return multiple waveforms
        depending on the number of channels, the acquisition type, and the
        number of records you specify.

        Refer to `Using Fetch
        Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_fetch_functions)>`__ for
        more information on using this method.

        Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all
        digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for
        more information.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch_binary16(num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the
                acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices
                return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a
                timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout
                period, the method returns an error.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.int16)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.int16)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            wfm_info (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.WaveformInfo)): Returns an array of structures with the following timing and scaling
                information about each waveform:

                -  **relativeInitialX**—the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the
                   first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absoluteInitialX**—timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched
                   sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and
                   acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for
                   this output.
                -  **xIncrement**—the time between points in the acquired waveform in
                -  **actualSamples**—the actual number of samples fetched and placed in
                   the waveform array
                -  **gain**—the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                -  **offset**—the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the size of this array.

        import numpy

        if type(waveform) is not numpy.ndarray:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be {0}, is {1}'.format(numpy.ndarray, type(waveform)))
        if numpy.isfortran(waveform) is True:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be in C-order')
        if waveform.dtype is not numpy.dtype('int16'):
            raise TypeError('waveform must be numpy.ndarray of dtype=int16, is ' + str(waveform.dtype))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        num_samples_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(num_samples)  # case S150
        waveform_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=waveform)  # case B510
        wfm_info_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        wfm_info_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=waveform_info.struct_niScope_wfmInfo, size=wfm_info_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_FetchBinary16(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, num_samples_ctype, waveform_ctype, wfm_info_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [waveform_info.WaveformInfo(wfm_info_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _fetch_binary32_into_numpy(self, num_samples, waveform, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Retrieves data from a previously initiated acquisition and returns
        binary 32-bit waveforms. This method may return multiple waveforms
        depending on the number of channels, the acquisition type, and the
        number of records you specify.

        Refer to `Using Fetch
        Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_fetch_functions)>`__ for
        more information on using this method.

        Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all
        digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for
        more information.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch_binary32(num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the
                acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices
                return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a
                timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout
                period, the method returns an error.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.int32)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.int32)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            wfm_info (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.WaveformInfo)): Returns an array of structures with the following timing and scaling
                information about each waveform:

                -  **relativeInitialX**—the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the
                   first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absoluteInitialX**—timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched
                   sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and
                   acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for
                   this output.
                -  **xIncrement**—the time between points in the acquired waveform in
                -  **actualSamples**—the actual number of samples fetched and placed in
                   the waveform array
                -  **gain**—the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                -  **offset**—the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the size of this array.

        import numpy

        if type(waveform) is not numpy.ndarray:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be {0}, is {1}'.format(numpy.ndarray, type(waveform)))
        if numpy.isfortran(waveform) is True:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be in C-order')
        if waveform.dtype is not numpy.dtype('int32'):
            raise TypeError('waveform must be numpy.ndarray of dtype=int32, is ' + str(waveform.dtype))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        num_samples_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(num_samples)  # case S150
        waveform_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=waveform)  # case B510
        wfm_info_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        wfm_info_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=waveform_info.struct_niScope_wfmInfo, size=wfm_info_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_FetchBinary32(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, num_samples_ctype, waveform_ctype, wfm_info_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [waveform_info.WaveformInfo(wfm_info_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _fetch_binary8_into_numpy(self, num_samples, waveform, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Retrieves data from a previously initiated acquisition and returns
        binary 8-bit waveforms. This method may return multiple waveforms
        depending on the number of channels, the acquisition type, and the
        number of records you specify.

        Refer to `Using Fetch
        Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_fetch_functions)>`__ for
        more information on using this method.

        Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all
        digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for
        more information.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch_binary8(num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the
                acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices
                return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a
                timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout
                period, the method returns an error.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.int8)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            waveform (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.int8)): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            wfm_info (numpy.array(dtype=numpy.WaveformInfo)): Returns an array of structures with the following timing and scaling
                information about each waveform:

                -  **relativeInitialX**—the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the
                   first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absoluteInitialX**—timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched
                   sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and
                   acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for
                   this output.
                -  **xIncrement**—the time between points in the acquired waveform in
                -  **actualSamples**—the actual number of samples fetched and placed in
                   the waveform array
                -  **gain**—the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                -  **offset**—the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the size of this array.

        import numpy

        if type(waveform) is not numpy.ndarray:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be {0}, is {1}'.format(numpy.ndarray, type(waveform)))
        if numpy.isfortran(waveform) is True:
            raise TypeError('waveform must be in C-order')
        if waveform.dtype is not numpy.dtype('int8'):
            raise TypeError('waveform must be numpy.ndarray of dtype=int8, is ' + str(waveform.dtype))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        num_samples_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(num_samples)  # case S150
        waveform_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=waveform)  # case B510
        wfm_info_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        wfm_info_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=waveform_info.struct_niScope_wfmInfo, size=wfm_info_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_FetchBinary8(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, num_samples_ctype, waveform_ctype, wfm_info_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [waveform_info.WaveformInfo(wfm_info_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def fetch_into(self, waveform, relative_to=enums.FetchRelativeTo.PRETRIGGER, offset=0, record_number=0, num_records=None, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Returns the waveform from a previously initiated acquisition that the
        digitizer acquires for the specified channel. This method returns
        scaled voltage waveforms.

        This method may return multiple waveforms depending on the number of
        channels, the acquisition type, and the number of records you specify.

        Note: Some functionality, such as time stamping, is not supported in all digitizers.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1].fetch(waveform, relative_to=niscope.FetchRelativeTo.PRETRIGGER, offset=0, record_number=0, num_records=None, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            waveform (array.array("d")): numpy array of the appropriate type and size the should be acquired as a 1D array. Size should be **num_samples** times number of waveforms. Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the number of waveforms.

                Types supported are

                - `numpy.float64`
                - `numpy.int8`
                - `numpy.in16`
                - `numpy.int32`


                .. code-block:: python

                    waveform = numpy.ndarray(num_samples * session.actual_num_wfms(), dtype=numpy.float64)
                    wfm_info = session['0,1'].fetch_into(num_samples, waveform, timeout=5.0)

            relative_to (enums.FetchRelativeTo): Position to start fetching within one record.

            offset (int): Offset in samples to start fetching data within each record.The offset can be positive or negative.

            record_number (int): Zero-based index of the first record to fetch.

            num_records (int): Number of records to fetch. Use -1 to fetch all configured records.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            wfm_info (WaveformInfo): Returns an array of classed with the following timing and scaling information about each waveform:

                -  **relative_initial_x** (float) the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absolute_initial_x** (float) timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for this output.
                -  **x_increment** (float) the time between points in the acquired waveform in seconds
                -  **channel** (str) channel name this waveform was asquire from
                -  **record** (int) record number of this waveform
                -  **gain** (float) the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling binary data with the following formula:

                    .. math::

                        voltage = binary data * gain factor + offset

                -  **offset** (float) the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling binary data with the following formula:

                    .. math::

                        voltage = binary data * gain factor + offset

                - **samples** (array of float) floating point array of samples. Length will be of the actual samples acquired

        import numpy
        import sys

        # Set the fetch attributes
        with _NoChannel(session=self):
            self._fetch_relative_to = relative_to
            self._fetch_offset = offset
            self._fetch_record_number = record_number
            self._fetch_num_records = -1 if num_records is None else num_records

        num_samples = int(len(waveform) / self._actual_num_wfms())

        if waveform.dtype == numpy.float64:
            wfm_info = self._fetch_into_numpy(num_samples=num_samples, waveform=waveform, timeout=timeout)
        elif waveform.dtype == numpy.int8:
            wfm_info = self._fetch_binary8_into_numpy(num_samples=num_samples, waveform=waveform, timeout=timeout)
        elif waveform.dtype == numpy.int16:
            wfm_info = self._fetch_binary16_into_numpy(num_samples=num_samples, waveform=waveform, timeout=timeout)
        elif waveform.dtype == numpy.int32:
            wfm_info = self._fetch_binary32_into_numpy(num_samples=num_samples, waveform=waveform, timeout=timeout)
            raise TypeError("Unsupported dtype. Is {0}, expected {1}, {2}, {3}, or {5}".format(waveform.dtype, numpy.float64, numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32))

        if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
            # In Python 3 and newer we can use memoryview objects to give us pieces of the underlying array. This is much faster
            mv = memoryview(waveform)

        i = 0
        lwfm_i = len(wfm_info)
        lrcl = len(self._repeated_capability_list)
        assert lwfm_i % lrcl == 0, 'Number of waveforms should be evenly divisible by the number of channels: len(wfm_infos) == {0}, len(self._repeated_capability_list) == {1}'.format(lwfm_i, lrcl)
        actual_num_records = int(lwfm_i / lrcl)
        for chan in self._repeated_capability_list:
            for rec in range(offset, offset + actual_num_records):
                wfm_info[i].channel = chan
                wfm_info[i].record = rec

                if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
                    start = i * num_samples
                    end = start + wfm_info[i]._actual_samples
                    # We use the actual number of samples returned from the device to determine the end of the waveform. We then remove it from the wfm_info
                    # since the length of the wfm will tell us that information
                    wfm_info[i]._actual_samples = None
                    wfm_info[i].samples = mv[start:end]

                i += 1

        return wfm_info

    def _fetch_measurement(self, scalar_meas_function, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Fetches a waveform from the digitizer and performs the specified
        waveform measurement. Refer to `Using Fetch
        Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_fetch_functions)>`__ for
        more information.

        Many of the measurements use the low, mid, and high reference levels.
        You configure the low, mid, and high references by using
        meas_chan_mid_ref_level, and
        meas_chan_high_ref_level to set each channel

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch_measurement(scalar_meas_function, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            scalar_meas_function (enums.ScalarMeasurement): The `scalar
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(scalar_measurements_refs)>`__
                to be performed.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            result (list of float): Contains an array of all measurements acquired; call
                _actual_num_wfms to determine the array length.

        if type(scalar_meas_function) is not enums._ScalarMeasurement:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums._ScalarMeasurement))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        scalar_meas_function_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(scalar_meas_function.value)  # case S130
        result_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        result_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=result_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_FetchMeasurement(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, scalar_meas_function_ctype, result_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [float(result_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _fetch_measurement_stats(self, scalar_meas_function, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Obtains a waveform measurement and returns the measurement value. This
        method may return multiple statistical results depending on the number
        of channels, the acquisition type, and the number of records you

        You specify a particular measurement type, such as rise time, frequency,
        or voltage peak-to-peak. The waveform on which the digitizer calculates
        the waveform measurement is from an acquisition that you previously
        initiated. The statistics for the specified measurement method are
        returned, where the statistics are updated once every acquisition when
        the specified measurement is fetched by any of the Fetch Measurement
        methods. If a Fetch Measurement method has not been called, this
        method fetches the data on which to perform the measurement. The
        statistics are cleared by calling
        _clear_waveform_measurement_stats. Refer to `Using Fetch
        Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_fetch_functions)>`__ for
        more information on incorporating fetch methods in your application.

        Many of the measurements use the low, mid, and high reference levels.
        You configure the low, mid, and high references with
        meas_chan_mid_ref_level, and
        meas_chan_high_ref_level to set each channel

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._fetch_measurement_stats(scalar_meas_function, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            scalar_meas_function (enums.ScalarMeasurement): The `scalar
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(scalar_measurements_refs)>`__
                to be performed on each fetched waveform.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            result (list of float): Returns the resulting measurement

            mean (list of float): Returns the mean scalar value, which is obtained by averaging each
                _fetch_measurement_stats call.

            stdev (list of float): Returns the standard deviation of the most recent **numInStats**

            min (list of float): Returns the smallest scalar value acquired (the minimum of the
                **numInStats** measurements).

            max (list of float): Returns the largest scalar value acquired (the maximum of the
                **numInStats** measurements).

            num_in_stats (list of int): Returns the number of times _fetch_measurement_stats has been

        if type(scalar_meas_function) is not enums._ScalarMeasurement:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums._ScalarMeasurement))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        scalar_meas_function_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(scalar_meas_function.value)  # case S130
        result_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        result_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=result_size)  # case B560
        mean_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        mean_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=mean_size)  # case B560
        stdev_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        stdev_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=stdev_size)  # case B560
        min_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        min_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=min_size)  # case B560
        max_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        max_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=max_size)  # case B560
        num_in_stats_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        num_in_stats_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViInt32, size=num_in_stats_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_FetchMeasurementStats(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, scalar_meas_function_ctype, result_ctype, mean_ctype, stdev_ctype, min_ctype, max_ctype, num_in_stats_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [float(result_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())], [float(mean_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())], [float(stdev_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())], [float(min_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())], [float(max_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())], [int(num_in_stats_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _get_attribute_vi_boolean(self, attribute_id):

        Queries the value of a ViBoolean property. You can use this method to
        get the values of instrument-specific properties and inherent IVI
        properties. If the property represents an instrument state, this
        method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (bool): Returns the current value of the property; pass the address of a
                ViBoolean variable.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViBoolean()  # case S220
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetAttributeViBoolean(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, None if value_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(value_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return bool(value_ctype.value)

    def _get_attribute_vi_int32(self, attribute_id):

        Queries the value of a ViInt32 property. You can use this method to
        get the values of instrument-specific properties and inherent IVI
        properties. If the property represents an instrument state, this
        method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (int): Returns the current value of the property.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32()  # case S220
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetAttributeViInt32(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, None if value_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(value_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return int(value_ctype.value)

    def _get_attribute_vi_int64(self, attribute_id):

        Queries the value of a ViInt64 property. You can use this method to
        get the values of instrument-specific properties and inherent IVI
        properties. If the property represents an instrument state, this
        method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (int): Returns the current value of the property.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViInt64()  # case S220
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetAttributeViInt64(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, None if value_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(value_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return int(value_ctype.value)

    def _get_attribute_vi_real64(self, attribute_id):

        Queries the value of a ViReal64 property. You can use this method to
        get the values of instrument-specific properties and inherent IVI
        properties. If the property represents an instrument state, this
        method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (float): Returns the current value of the property; pass the address of a
                ViReal64 variable.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64()  # case S220
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetAttributeViReal64(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, None if value_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(value_ctype)))
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return float(value_ctype.value)

    def _get_attribute_vi_string(self, attribute_id):

        Queries the value of a ViString property. You can use this method to
        get the values of instrument-specific properties and inherent IVI
        properties. If the property represents an instrument state, this
        method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid.

        You must provide a ViChar array to serve as a buffer for the value. You
        pass the number of bytes in the buffer as the **bufSize**. If the
        current value of the property, including the terminating NUL byte, is
        larger than the size you indicate in the **bufSize**, the method
        copies (**bufSize** – 1) bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte
        at the end of the buffer, and returns the **bufSize** you must pass to
        get the entire value. For example, if the value is 123456 and the
        **bufSize** is 4, the method places 123 into the buffer and returns 7.
        If you want to call this method just to get the required buffer size,
        you can pass 0 for the **bufSize** and VI_NULL for the **value**.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (str): The buffer in which the method returns the current value of the
                property; the buffer must be of type ViChar and have at least as many
                bytes as indicated in the **bufSize**.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        buf_size_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32()  # case S170
        value_ctype = None  # case C050
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetAttributeViString(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, buf_size_ctype, value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=True, is_error_handling=False)
        buf_size_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(error_code)  # case S180
        value_ctype = (_visatype.ViChar * buf_size_ctype.value)()  # case C060
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetAttributeViString(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, buf_size_ctype, value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return value_ctype.value.decode(self._encoding)

    def _get_equalization_filter_coefficients(self, number_of_coefficients):

        Retrieves the custom coefficients for the equalization FIR filter on the
        device. This filter is designed to compensate the input signal for
        artifacts introduced to the signal outside of the digitizer. Because
        this filter is a generic FIR filter, any coefficients are valid.
        Coefficient values should be between +1 and –1.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:


            number_of_coefficients (int): The number of coefficients being passed in the **coefficients** array.

            coefficients (list of float): The custom coefficients for the equalization FIR filter on the device.
                These coefficients should be between +1 and –1. You can obtain the
                number of coefficients from the
                `equalization_num_coefficients <cviequalization_num_coefficients.html>`__

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        number_of_coefficients_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(number_of_coefficients)  # case S210
        coefficients_size = number_of_coefficients  # case B600
        coefficients_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViReal64, size=coefficients_size)  # case B600
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetEqualizationFilterCoefficients(vi_ctype, channel_ctype, number_of_coefficients_ctype, coefficients_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return [float(coefficients_ctype[i]) for i in range(number_of_coefficients_ctype.value)]

    def _get_error(self):

        Reads an error code and message from the error queue. National
        Instruments digitizers do not contain an error queue. Errors are
        reported as they occur. Therefore, this method does not detect errors.

        This method is included for compliance with the IviScope Class

            error_code (int): Passes the number of bytes in the ViChar array you specify for the
                Description parameter.

                If the error description, including the terminating NULL byte, contains
                more bytes than you indicate in this parameter, the method copies
                **bufferSize** – 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NULL byte at
                the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get
                the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer
                Size is 4, the method places "123" into the buffer and returns 7.

                If you pass a negative number, the method copies the value to the
                buffer regardless of the number of bytes in the value.

                If you pass 0, you can pass VI_NULL for the **description** parameter.

            description (str): Returns the error description for the IVI session or execution thread.

                If there is no description, the method returns an empty string. The
                buffer must contain at least as many elements as the value you specify
                with the Buffer Size parameter.

                If you pass 0 for the **bufferSize**, you can pass VI_NULL for this

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        error_code_ctype = _visatype.ViStatus()  # case S220
        buffer_size_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32()  # case S170
        description_ctype = None  # case C050
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetError(vi_ctype, None if error_code_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(error_code_ctype)), buffer_size_ctype, description_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=True, is_error_handling=True)
        buffer_size_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(error_code)  # case S180
        description_ctype = (_visatype.ViChar * buffer_size_ctype.value)()  # case C060
        error_code = self._library.niScope_GetError(vi_ctype, None if error_code_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(error_code_ctype)), buffer_size_ctype, description_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=True)
        return int(error_code_ctype.value), description_ctype.value.decode(self._encoding)

    def lock(self):

        Obtains a multithread lock on the device session. Before doing so, the
        software waits until all other execution threads release their locks
        on the device session.

        Other threads may have obtained a lock on this session for the
        following reasons:

            -  The application called the lock method.
            -  A call to NI-SCOPE locked the session.
            -  After a call to the lock method returns
               successfully, no other threads can access the device session until
               you call the unlock method or exit out of the with block when using
               lock context manager.
            -  Use the lock method and the
               unlock method around a sequence of calls to
               instrument driver methods if you require that the device retain its
               settings through the end of the sequence.

        You can safely make nested calls to the lock method
        within the same thread. To completely unlock the session, you must
        balance each call to the lock method with a call to
        the unlock method.

            lock (context manager): When used in a with statement, niscope.Session.lock acts as
            a context manager and unlock will be called when the with block is exited
        self._lock_session()  # We do not call _lock_session() in the context manager so that this function can
        # act standalone as well and let the client call unlock() explicitly. If they do use the context manager,
        # that will handle the unlock for them
        return _Lock(self)

    def _lock_session(self):

        Actual call to driver
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        error_code = self._library.niScope_LockSession(vi_ctype, None)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=True)

    def _read(self, num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Initiates an acquisition, waits for it to complete, and retrieves the
        data. The process is similar to calling _initiate_acquisition,
        acquisition_status, and fetch. The only difference is
        that with read, you enable all channels specified with
        **channelList** before the acquisition; in the other method, you enable
        the channels with configure_vertical.

        This method may return multiple waveforms depending on the number of
        channels, the acquisition type, and the number of records you specify.

        Some functionality is not supported in all digitizers. Refer to
        `Features Supported by
        Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for
        more information.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._read(num_samples, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            num_samples (int): The maximum number of samples to fetch for each waveform. If the
                acquisition finishes with fewer points than requested, some devices
                return partial data if the acquisition finished, was aborted, or a
                timeout of 0 was used. If it fails to complete within the timeout
                period, the method returns an error.

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            waveform (array.array("d")): Returns an array whose length is the **numSamples** times number of
                waveforms. Call ActualNumwfms to determine the number of

                NI-SCOPE returns this data sequentially, so all record 0 waveforms are
                first. For example, with a channel list of 0,1, you would have the
                following index values:

                index 0 = record 0, channel 0

                index *x* = record 0, channel 1

                index 2\ *x* = record 1, channel 0

                index 3\ *x* = record 1, channel 1

                Where *x* = the record length

                One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver.

            wfm_info (list of WaveformInfo): Returns an array of structures with the following timing and scaling
                information about each waveform:

                -  **relativeInitialX**—the time (in seconds) from the trigger to the
                   first sample in the fetched waveform
                -  **absoluteInitialX**—timestamp (in seconds) of the first fetched
                   sample. This timestamp is comparable between records and
                   acquisitions; devices that do not support this parameter use 0 for
                   this output.
                -  **xIncrement**—the time between points in the acquired waveform in
                -  **actualSamples**—the actual number of samples fetched and placed in
                   the waveform array
                -  **gain**—the gain factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                -  **offset**—the offset factor of the given channel; useful for scaling
                   binary data with the following formula:

                voltage = binary data × gain factor + offset

                Call _actual_num_wfms to determine the size of this array.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        num_samples_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(num_samples)  # case S150
        waveform_size = (num_samples * self._actual_num_wfms())  # case B560
        waveform_array = array.array("d", [0] * waveform_size)  # case B560
        waveform_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=waveform_array, library_type=_visatype.ViReal64)  # case B560
        wfm_info_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        wfm_info_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=waveform_info.struct_niScope_wfmInfo, size=wfm_info_size)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_Read(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, num_samples_ctype, waveform_ctype, wfm_info_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return waveform_array, [waveform_info.WaveformInfo(wfm_info_ctype[i]) for i in range(self._actual_num_wfms())]

    def _read_measurement(self, scalar_meas_function, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0)):

        Initiates an acquisition, waits for it to complete, and performs the
        specified waveform measurement for a single channel and record or for
        multiple channels and records.

        Refer to `Using Fetch
        Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_fetch_functions)>`__ for
        more information.

        Many of the measurements use the low, mid, and high reference levels.
        You configure the low, mid, and high references by using
        meas_chan_mid_ref_level, and
        meas_chan_high_ref_level to set each channel

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._read_measurement(scalar_meas_function, timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5.0))

            scalar_meas_function (enums.ScalarMeasurement): The `scalar
                measurement <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(scalar_measurements_refs)>`__
                to be performed

            timeout (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The time to wait in seconds for data to be acquired; using 0 for this
                parameter tells NI-SCOPE to fetch whatever is currently available. Using
                -1 for this parameter implies infinite timeout.

            result (array.array("d")): Contains an array of all measurements acquired. Call
                _actual_num_wfms to determine the array length.

        if type(scalar_meas_function) is not enums._ScalarMeasurement:
            raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums._ScalarMeasurement))
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        timeout_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(timeout, _visatype.ViReal64)  # case S140
        scalar_meas_function_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(scalar_meas_function.value)  # case S130
        result_size = self._actual_num_wfms()  # case B560
        result_array = array.array("d", [0] * result_size)  # case B560
        result_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=result_array, library_type=_visatype.ViReal64)  # case B560
        error_code = self._library.niScope_ReadMeasurement(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, timeout_ctype, scalar_meas_function_ctype, result_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)
        return result_array

    def _set_attribute_vi_boolean(self, attribute_id, value):

        Sets the value of a ViBoolean property. This is a low-level method
        that you can use to set the values of instrument-specific properties and
        inherent IVI properties. If the property represents an instrument
        state, this method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or
           is different than the value you specify.

        NI-SCOPE contains high-level methods that set most of the instrument
        properties. Use the high-level driver methods as much as possible
        because they handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you.
        In addition, the high-level methods perform status checking only after
        setting all of the properties. In contrast, when you set multiple
        properties using the SetAttribute methods, the methods check the
        instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled,
        the high-level methods that configure multiple properties perform
        instrument I/O only for the properties whose value you change. Thus, you
        can safely call the high-level methods without the penalty of
        redundant instrument I/O.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._set_attribute_vi_boolean(attribute_id, value)

            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (bool): The value that you want to set the property to. Some values might not
                be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViBoolean(value)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niScope_SetAttributeViBoolean(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def _set_attribute_vi_int32(self, attribute_id, value):

        Sets the value of a ViInt32 property. This is a low-level method that
        you can use to set the values of instrument-specific properties and
        inherent IVI properties. If the property represents an instrument
        state, this method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or
           is different than the value you specify.

        NI-SCOPE contains high-level methods that set most of the instrument
        properties. Use the high-level methods as much as possible because
        they handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you. In
        addition, high-level methods perform status checking only after
        setting all of the properties. In contrast, when you set multiple
        properties using the Set Property methods, the methods check the
        instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled,
        the high-level methods that configure multiple properties perform
        instrument I/O only for the properties whose value you change. Thus, you
        can safely call the high-level methods without the penalty of
        redundant instrument I/O.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._set_attribute_vi_int32(attribute_id, value)

            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (int): The value that you want to set the property. Some values might not be
                valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(value)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niScope_SetAttributeViInt32(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def _set_attribute_vi_int64(self, attribute_id, value):

        Sets the value of a ViInt64 property. This is a low-level method that
        you can use to set the values of instrument-specific properties and
        inherent IVI properties. If the property represents an instrument
        state, this method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or
           is different than the value you specify.

        NI-SCOPE contains high-level methods that set most of the instrument
        properties. Use the high-level methods as much as possible because
        they handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you. In
        addition, high-level methods perform status checking only after
        setting all of the properties. In contrast, when you set multiple
        properties using the Set Property methods, the methods check the
        instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled,
        the high-level methods that configure multiple properties perform
        instrument I/O only for the properties whose value you change. Thus, you
        can safely call the high-level methods without the penalty of
        redundant instrument I/O.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._set_attribute_vi_int64(attribute_id, value)

            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (int): The value that you want to set the property. Some values might not be
                valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViInt64(value)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niScope_SetAttributeViInt64(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def _set_attribute_vi_real64(self, attribute_id, value):

        Sets the value of a ViReal64 property. This is a low-level method
        that you can use to set the values of instrument-specific properties and
        inherent IVI properties. If the property represents an instrument
        state, this method performs instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or
           is different than the value you specify.

        NI-SCOPE contains high-level methods that set most of the instrument
        properties. Use the high-level driver methods as much as possible
        because they handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you.
        In addition, the high-level methods perform status checking only after
        setting all of the properties. In contrast, when you set multiple
        properties using the Set Property methods, the methods check the
        instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled,
        the high-level methods that configure multiple properties perform
        instrument I/O only for the properties whose value you change. Thus, you
        can safely call the high-level methods without the penalty of
        redundant instrument I/O.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._set_attribute_vi_real64(attribute_id, value)

            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (float): The value that you want to set the property to. Some values might not
                be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(value)  # case S150
        error_code = self._library.niScope_SetAttributeViReal64(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def _set_attribute_vi_string(self, attribute_id, value):

        Sets the value of a ViString property.

        This is a low-level method that you can use to set the values of
        instrument-specific properties and inherent IVI properties. If the
        property represents an instrument state, this method performs
        instrument I/O in the following cases:

        -  State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the
           particular property.
        -  State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or
           is different than the value you specify.

        NI-SCOPE contains high-level methods that set most of the instrument
        properties. Use the high-level driver methods as much as possible
        because they handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you.
        In addition, the high-level methods perform status checking only after
        setting all of the properties. In contrast, when you set multiple
        properties using the SetAttribute methods, the methods check the
        instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled,
        the high-level methods that configure multiple properties perform
        instrument I/O only for the properties whose value you change. Thus, you
        can safely call the high-level methods without the penalty of
        redundant instrument I/O.

        This method requires repeated capabilities (channels). If called directly on the
        niscope.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session.
        You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an
        niscope.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.:

            session.channels[0,1]._set_attribute_vi_string(attribute_id, value)

            attribute_id (int): The ID of a property.

            value (str): The value that you want to set the property to. Some values might not
                be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        channel_list_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._repeated_capability.encode(self._encoding))  # case C010
        attribute_id_ctype = _visatype.ViAttr(attribute_id)  # case S150
        value_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(value.encode(self._encoding))  # case C020
        error_code = self._library.niScope_SetAttributeViString(vi_ctype, channel_list_ctype, attribute_id_ctype, value_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False)

    def unlock(self):

        Releases a lock that you acquired on an device session using
        lock. Refer to lock for additional
        information on session locks.
        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        error_code = self._library.niScope_UnlockSession(vi_ctype, None)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=True)

    def _error_message(self, error_code):

        Takes the **Error_Code** returned by the instrument driver methods, interprets it, and returns it as a user-readable string.

            error_code (int): The **error_code** returned from the instrument. The default is 0, indicating VI_SUCCESS.

            error_message (str): The error information formatted into a string.

        vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi)  # case S110
        error_code_ctype = _visatype.ViStatus(error_code)  # case S150
        error_message_ctype = (_visatype.ViChar * 256)()  # case C070
        error_code = self._library.niScope_error_message(vi_ctype, error_code_ctype, error_message_ctype)
        errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=True)
        return error_message_ctype.value.decode(self._encoding)

[docs]class Session(_SessionBase): '''An NI-SCOPE session to a National Instruments Digitizer.''' def __init__(self, resource_name, id_query=False, reset_device=False, options={}): r'''An NI-SCOPE session to a National Instruments Digitizer. Performs the following initialization actions: - Creates a new IVI instrument driver and optionally sets the initial state of the following session properties: Range Check, Cache, Simulate, Record Value Coercions - Opens a session to the specified device using the interface and address you specify for the **resourceName** - Resets the digitizer to a known state if **resetDevice** is set to True - Queries the instrument ID and verifies that it is valid for this instrument driver if the **IDQuery** is set to True - Returns an instrument handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver method calls Args: resource_name (str): Caution: Traditional NI-DAQ and NI-DAQmx device names are not case-sensitive. However, all IVI names, such as logical names, are case-sensitive. If you use logical names, driver session names, or virtual names in your program, you must make sure that the name you use matches the name in the IVI Configuration Store file exactly, without any variations in the case of the characters. | Specifies the resource name of the device to initialize For Traditional NI-DAQ devices, the syntax is DAQ::\ *n*, where *n* is the device number assigned by MAX, as shown in Example 1. For NI-DAQmx devices, the syntax is just the device name specified in MAX, as shown in Example 2. Typical default names for NI-DAQmx devices in MAX are Dev1 or PXI1Slot1. You can rename an NI-DAQmx device by right-clicking on the name in MAX and entering a new name. An alternate syntax for NI-DAQmx devices consists of DAQ::NI-DAQmx device name, as shown in Example 3. This naming convention allows for the use of an NI-DAQmx device in an application that was originally designed for a Traditional NI-DAQ device. For example, if the application expects DAQ::1, you can rename the NI-DAQmx device to 1 in MAX and pass in DAQ::1 for the resource name, as shown in Example 4. If you use the DAQ::\ *n* syntax and an NI-DAQmx device name already exists with that same name, the NI-DAQmx device is matched first. You can also pass in the name of an IVI logical name or an IVI virtual name configured with the IVI Configuration utility, as shown in Example 5. A logical name identifies a particular virtual instrument. A virtual name identifies a specific device and specifies the initial settings for the session. +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Example | Device Type | Syntax | +=========+======================================+==================================================+ | 1 | Traditional NI-DAQ device | DAQ::1 (1 = device number) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | NI-DAQmx device | myDAQmxDevice (myDAQmxDevice = device name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | NI-DAQmx device | DAQ::myDAQmxDevice (myDAQmxDevice = device name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | NI-DAQmx device | DAQ::2 (2 = device name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | IVI logical name or IVI virtual name | myLogicalName (myLogicalName = name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ id_query (bool): Specify whether to perform an ID query. When you set this parameter to True, NI-SCOPE verifies that the device you initialize is a type that it supports. When you set this parameter to False, the method initializes the device without performing an ID query. **Defined Values** | True—Perform ID query | False—Skip ID query **Default Value**: True reset_device (bool): Specify whether to reset the device during the initialization process. Default Value: True **Defined Values** True (1)—Reset device False (0)—Do not reset device Note: For the NI 5112, repeatedly resetting the device may cause excessive wear on the electromechanical relays. Refer to `NI 5112 Electromechanical Relays <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(5112_relays)>`__ for recommended programming practices. options (str): Specifies the initial value of certain properties for the session. The syntax for **options** is a dictionary of properties with an assigned value. For example: { 'simulate': False } You do not have to specify a value for all the properties. If you do not specify a value for a property, the default value is used. Advanced Example: { 'simulate': True, 'driver_setup': { 'Model': '<model number>', 'BoardType': '<type>' } } +-------------------------+---------+ | Property | Default | +=========================+=========+ | range_check | True | +-------------------------+---------+ | query_instrument_status | False | +-------------------------+---------+ | cache | True | +-------------------------+---------+ | simulate | False | +-------------------------+---------+ | record_value_coersions | False | +-------------------------+---------+ | driver_setup | {} | +-------------------------+---------+ Returns: session (niscope.Session): A session object representing the device. ''' super(Session, self).__init__(repeated_capability_list=[], vi=None, library=None, encoding=None, freeze_it=False) options = _converters.convert_init_with_options_dictionary(options, self._encoding) self._library = _library_singleton.get() self._encoding = 'windows-1251' # Call specified init function self._vi = 0 # This must be set before calling _init_with_options(). self._vi = self._init_with_options(resource_name, id_query, reset_device, options) # Instantiate any repeated capability objects self.channels = _RepeatedCapabilities(self, '') self.tclk = nitclk.SessionReference(self._vi) # Store the parameter list for later printing in __repr__ param_list = [] param_list.append("resource_name=" + pp.pformat(resource_name)) param_list.append("id_query=" + pp.pformat(id_query)) param_list.append("reset_device=" + pp.pformat(reset_device)) param_list.append("options=" + pp.pformat(options)) self._param_list = ', '.join(param_list) self._is_frozen = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def initiate(self): '''initiate Initiates a waveform acquisition. After calling this method, the digitizer leaves the Idle state and waits for a trigger. The digitizer acquires a waveform for each channel you enable with configure_vertical. Note: This method will return a Python context manager that will initiate on entering and abort on exit. ''' return _Acquisition(self) def close(self): '''close When you are finished using an instrument driver session, you must call this method to perform the following actions: - Closes the instrument I/O session. - Destroys the IVI session and all of its properties. - Deallocates any memory resources used by the IVI session. Note: This method is not needed when using the session context manager ''' try: self._close() except errors.DriverError: self._vi = 0 raise self._vi = 0 ''' These are code-generated ''' @ivi_synchronized def abort(self): r'''abort Aborts an acquisition and returns the digitizer to the Idle state. Call this method if the digitizer times out waiting for a trigger. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_Abort(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def acquisition_status(self): r'''acquisition_status Returns status information about the acquisition to the **status** output parameter. Returns: acquisition_status (enums.AcquisitionStatus): Returns whether the acquisition is complete, in progress, or unknown. **Defined Values** AcquisitionStatus.COMPLETE AcquisitionStatus.IN_PROGRESS AcquisitionStatus.STATUS_UNKNOWN ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 acquisition_status_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32() # case S220 error_code = self._library.niScope_AcquisitionStatus(vi_ctype, None if acquisition_status_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(acquisition_status_ctype))) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return enums.AcquisitionStatus(acquisition_status_ctype.value) @ivi_synchronized def auto_setup(self): r'''auto_setup Automatically configures the instrument. When you call this method, the digitizer senses the input signal and automatically configures many of the instrument settings. If a signal is detected on a channel, the driver chooses the smallest available vertical range that is larger than the signal range. For example, if the signal is a 1.2 V\ :sub:`pk-pk` sine wave, and the device supports 1 V and 2 V vertical ranges, the driver will choose the 2 V vertical range for that channel. If no signal is found on any analog input channel, a warning is returned, and all channels are enabled. A channel is considered to have a signal present if the signal is at least 10% of the smallest vertical range available for that channel. The following settings are changed: +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **General** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Acquisition mode | Normal | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Reference clock | Internal | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Vertical** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Vertical coupling | AC (DC for NI 5621) | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Vertical bandwidth | Full | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Vertical range | Changed by auto setup | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Vertical offset | 0 V | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Probe attenuation | Unchanged by auto setup | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Input impedance | Unchanged by auto setup | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Horizontal** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Sample rate | Changed by auto setup | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Min record length | Changed by auto setup | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Enforce realtime | True | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Number of Records | Changed to 1 | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | **Triggering** | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger type | Edge if signal present, otherwise immediate | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger channel | Lowest numbered channel with a signal present | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger slope | Positive | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger coupling | DC | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Reference position | 50% | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger level | 50% of signal on trigger channel | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger delay | 0 | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger holdoff | 0 | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Trigger output | None | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_AutoSetup(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def commit(self): r'''commit Commits to hardware all the parameter settings associated with the task. Use this method if you want a parameter change to be immediately reflected in the hardware. This method is not supported for Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) devices. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_Commit(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_horizontal_timing(self, min_sample_rate, min_num_pts, ref_position, num_records, enforce_realtime): r'''configure_horizontal_timing Configures the common properties of the horizontal subsystem for a multirecord acquisition in terms of minimum sample rate. Args: min_sample_rate (float): The sampling rate for the acquisition. Refer to min_sample_rate for more information. min_num_pts (int): The minimum number of points you need in the record for each channel; call actual_record_length to obtain the actual record length used. Valid Values: Greater than 1; limited by available memory ref_position (float): The position of the Reference Event in the waveform record specified as a percentage. num_records (int): The number of records to acquire enforce_realtime (bool): Indicates whether the digitizer enforces real-time measurements or allows equivalent-time (RIS) measurements; not all digitizers support RIS—refer to `Features Supported by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for more information. Default value: True **Defined Values** True—Allow real-time acquisitions only False—Allow real-time and equivalent-time acquisitions ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 min_sample_rate_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(min_sample_rate) # case S150 min_num_pts_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(min_num_pts) # case S150 ref_position_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(ref_position) # case S150 num_records_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(num_records) # case S150 enforce_realtime_ctype = _visatype.ViBoolean(enforce_realtime) # case S150 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureHorizontalTiming(vi_ctype, min_sample_rate_ctype, min_num_pts_ctype, ref_position_ctype, num_records_ctype, enforce_realtime_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def _configure_ref_levels(self, low=10.0, mid=50.0, high=90.0): r'''_configure_ref_levels This method is included for compliance with the IviScope Class Specification. Configures the reference levels for all channels of the digitizer. The levels may be set on a per channel basis by setting meas_chan_high_ref_level, meas_chan_low_ref_level, and meas_chan_mid_ref_level This method configures the reference levels for waveform measurements. Call this method before calling _fetch_measurement to take a rise time, fall time, width negative, width positive, duty cycle negative, or duty cycle positive measurement. Args: low (float): Pass the low reference you want the digitizer to use for waveform measurements. Units: Either a percentage or voltage based on meas_ref_level_units. A percentage is calculated with the voltage low and voltage high measurements representing 0% and 100%, respectively. Default Value: 10.0 mid (float): Pass the mid reference you want the digitizer to use for waveform measurements. Units: Either a percentage or voltage based on meas_ref_level_units. A percentage is calculated with the voltage low and voltage high measurements representing 0% and 100%, respectively. Default Value: 50.0 high (float): Pass the high reference you want the digitizer to use for waveform measurements. Units: Either a percentage or voltage based on meas_ref_level_units. A percentage is calculated with the voltage low and voltage high measurements representing 0% and 100%, respectively. Default Value: 90.0 ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 low_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(low) # case S150 mid_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(mid) # case S150 high_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(high) # case S150 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureRefLevels(vi_ctype, low_ctype, mid_ctype, high_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_trigger_digital(self, trigger_source, slope=enums.TriggerSlope.POSITIVE, holdoff=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0), delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0)): r'''configure_trigger_digital Configures the common properties of a digital trigger. When you initiate an acquisition, the digitizer waits for the start trigger, which is configured through the acq_arm_source (Start Trigger Source) property. The default is immediate. Upon receiving the start trigger the digitizer begins sampling pretrigger points. After the digitizer finishes sampling pretrigger points, the digitizer waits for a reference (stop) trigger that you specify with a method such as this one. Upon receiving the reference trigger the digitizer finishes the acquisition after completing posttrigger sampling. With each Configure Trigger method, you specify configuration parameters such as the trigger source and the amount of trigger delay. Note: For multirecord acquisitions, all records after the first record are started by using the Advance Trigger Source. The default is immediate. You can adjust the amount of pre-trigger and post-trigger samples using the reference position parameter on the configure_horizontal_timing method. The default is half of the record length. Some features are not supported by all digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for more information. Digital triggering is not supported in RIS mode. Args: trigger_source (str): Specifies the trigger source. Refer to trigger_source for defined values. slope (enums.TriggerSlope): Specifies whether you want a rising edge or a falling edge to trigger the digitizer. Refer to trigger_slope for more information. holdoff (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The length of time the digitizer waits after detecting a trigger before enabling NI-SCOPE to detect another trigger. Refer to trigger_holdoff for more information. delay (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): How long the digitizer waits after receiving the trigger to start acquiring data. Refer to trigger_delay_time for more information. ''' if type(slope) is not enums.TriggerSlope: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerSlope)) vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 trigger_source_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(trigger_source.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 slope_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(slope.value) # case S130 holdoff_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(holdoff, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 delay_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(delay, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureTriggerDigital(vi_ctype, trigger_source_ctype, slope_ctype, holdoff_ctype, delay_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_trigger_edge(self, trigger_source, level, trigger_coupling, slope=enums.TriggerSlope.POSITIVE, holdoff=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0), delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0)): r'''configure_trigger_edge Configures common properties for analog edge triggering. When you initiate an acquisition, the digitizer waits for the start trigger, which is configured through the acq_arm_source (Start Trigger Source) property. The default is immediate. Upon receiving the start trigger the digitizer begins sampling pretrigger points. After the digitizer finishes sampling pretrigger points, the digitizer waits for a reference (stop) trigger that you specify with a method such as this one. Upon receiving the reference trigger the digitizer finishes the acquisition after completing posttrigger sampling. With each Configure Trigger method, you specify configuration parameters such as the trigger source and the amount of trigger delay. Note: Some features are not supported by all digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for more information. Args: trigger_source (str): Specifies the trigger source. Refer to trigger_source for defined values. level (float): The voltage threshold for the trigger. Refer to trigger_level for more information. trigger_coupling (enums.TriggerCoupling): Applies coupling and filtering options to the trigger signal. Refer to trigger_coupling for more information. slope (enums.TriggerSlope): Specifies whether you want a rising edge or a falling edge to trigger the digitizer. Refer to trigger_slope for more information. holdoff (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The length of time the digitizer waits after detecting a trigger before enabling NI-SCOPE to detect another trigger. Refer to trigger_holdoff for more information. delay (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): How long the digitizer waits after receiving the trigger to start acquiring data. Refer to trigger_delay_time for more information. ''' if type(slope) is not enums.TriggerSlope: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerSlope)) if type(trigger_coupling) is not enums.TriggerCoupling: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerCoupling)) vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 trigger_source_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(trigger_source.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 level_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(level) # case S150 slope_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(slope.value) # case S130 trigger_coupling_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(trigger_coupling.value) # case S130 holdoff_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(holdoff, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 delay_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(delay, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureTriggerEdge(vi_ctype, trigger_source_ctype, level_ctype, slope_ctype, trigger_coupling_ctype, holdoff_ctype, delay_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_trigger_hysteresis(self, trigger_source, level, hysteresis, trigger_coupling, slope=enums.TriggerSlope.POSITIVE, holdoff=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0), delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0)): r'''configure_trigger_hysteresis Configures common properties for analog hysteresis triggering. This kind of trigger specifies an additional value, specified in the **hysteresis** parameter, that a signal must pass through before a trigger can occur. This additional value acts as a kind of buffer zone that keeps noise from triggering an acquisition. When you initiate an acquisition, the digitizer waits for the start trigger, which is configured through the acq_arm_source. The default is immediate. Upon receiving the start trigger the digitizer begins sampling pretrigger points. After the digitizer finishes sampling pretrigger points, the digitizer waits for a reference (stop) trigger that you specify with a method such as this one. Upon receiving the reference trigger the digitizer finishes the acquisition after completing posttrigger sampling. With each Configure Trigger method, you specify configuration parameters such as the trigger source and the amount of trigger delay. Note: Some features are not supported by all digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for more information. Args: trigger_source (str): Specifies the trigger source. Refer to trigger_source for defined values. level (float): The voltage threshold for the trigger. Refer to trigger_level for more information. hysteresis (float): The size of the hysteresis window on either side of the **level** in volts; the digitizer triggers when the trigger signal passes through the hysteresis value you specify with this parameter, has the slope you specify with **slope**, and passes through the **level**. Refer to trigger_hysteresis for defined values. trigger_coupling (enums.TriggerCoupling): Applies coupling and filtering options to the trigger signal. Refer to trigger_coupling for more information. slope (enums.TriggerSlope): Specifies whether you want a rising edge or a falling edge to trigger the digitizer. Refer to trigger_slope for more information. holdoff (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The length of time the digitizer waits after detecting a trigger before enabling NI-SCOPE to detect another trigger. Refer to trigger_holdoff for more information. delay (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): How long the digitizer waits after receiving the trigger to start acquiring data. Refer to trigger_delay_time for more information. ''' if type(slope) is not enums.TriggerSlope: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerSlope)) if type(trigger_coupling) is not enums.TriggerCoupling: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerCoupling)) vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 trigger_source_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(trigger_source.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 level_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(level) # case S150 hysteresis_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(hysteresis) # case S150 slope_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(slope.value) # case S130 trigger_coupling_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(trigger_coupling.value) # case S130 holdoff_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(holdoff, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 delay_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(delay, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureTriggerHysteresis(vi_ctype, trigger_source_ctype, level_ctype, hysteresis_ctype, slope_ctype, trigger_coupling_ctype, holdoff_ctype, delay_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_trigger_immediate(self): r'''configure_trigger_immediate Configures common properties for immediate triggering. Immediate triggering means the digitizer triggers itself. When you initiate an acquisition, the digitizer waits for a trigger. You specify the type of trigger that the digitizer waits for with a Configure Trigger method, such as configure_trigger_immediate. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureTriggerImmediate(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_trigger_software(self, holdoff=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0), delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0)): r'''configure_trigger_software Configures common properties for software triggering. When you initiate an acquisition, the digitizer waits for the start trigger, which is configured through the acq_arm_source (Start Trigger Source) property. The default is immediate. Upon receiving the start trigger the digitizer begins sampling pretrigger points. After the digitizer finishes sampling pretrigger points, the digitizer waits for a reference (stop) trigger that you specify with a method such as this one. Upon receiving the reference trigger the digitizer finishes the acquisition after completing posttrigger sampling. With each Configure Trigger method, you specify configuration parameters such as the trigger source and the amount of trigger delay. To trigger the acquisition, use send_software_trigger_edge. Note: Some features are not supported by all digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for more information. Args: holdoff (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The length of time the digitizer waits after detecting a trigger before enabling NI-SCOPE to detect another trigger. Refer to trigger_holdoff for more information. delay (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): How long the digitizer waits after receiving the trigger to start acquiring data. Refer to trigger_delay_time for more information. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 holdoff_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(holdoff, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 delay_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(delay, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureTriggerSoftware(vi_ctype, holdoff_ctype, delay_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_trigger_video(self, trigger_source, signal_format, event, polarity, trigger_coupling, enable_dc_restore=False, line_number=1, holdoff=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0), delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0)): r'''configure_trigger_video Configures the common properties for video triggering, including the signal format, TV event, line number, polarity, and enable DC restore. A video trigger occurs when the digitizer finds a valid video signal sync. When you initiate an acquisition, the digitizer waits for the start trigger, which is configured through the acq_arm_source (Start Trigger Source) property. The default is immediate. Upon receiving the start trigger the digitizer begins sampling pretrigger points. After the digitizer finishes sampling pretrigger points, the digitizer waits for a reference (stop) trigger that you specify with a method such as this one. Upon receiving the reference trigger the digitizer finishes the acquisition after completing posttrigger sampling. With each Configure Trigger method, you specify configuration parameters such as the trigger source and the amount of trigger delay. Note: Some features are not supported by all digitizers. Refer to `Features Supported by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(features_supported_main)>`__ for more information. Args: trigger_source (str): Specifies the trigger source. Refer to trigger_source for defined values. signal_format (enums.VideoSignalFormat): Specifies the type of video signal sync the digitizer should look for. Refer to tv_trigger_signal_format for more information. event (enums.VideoTriggerEvent): Specifies the TV event you want to trigger on. You can trigger on a specific or on the next coming line or field of the signal. polarity (enums.VideoPolarity): Specifies the polarity of the video signal sync. trigger_coupling (enums.TriggerCoupling): Applies coupling and filtering options to the trigger signal. Refer to trigger_coupling for more information. enable_dc_restore (bool): Offsets each video line so the clamping level (the portion of the video line between the end of the color burst and the beginning of the active image) is moved to zero volt. Refer to enable_dc_restore for defined values. line_number (int): Selects the line number to trigger on. The line number range covers an entire frame and is referenced as shown on `Vertical Blanking and Synchronization Signal <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(gray_scale_image)>`__. Refer to tv_trigger_line_number for more information. Default value: 1 holdoff (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The length of time the digitizer waits after detecting a trigger before enabling NI-SCOPE to detect another trigger. Refer to trigger_holdoff for more information. delay (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): How long the digitizer waits after receiving the trigger to start acquiring data. Refer to trigger_delay_time for more information. ''' if type(signal_format) is not enums.VideoSignalFormat: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.VideoSignalFormat)) if type(event) is not enums.VideoTriggerEvent: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.VideoTriggerEvent)) if type(polarity) is not enums.VideoPolarity: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.VideoPolarity)) if type(trigger_coupling) is not enums.TriggerCoupling: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerCoupling)) vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 trigger_source_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(trigger_source.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 enable_dc_restore_ctype = _visatype.ViBoolean(enable_dc_restore) # case S150 signal_format_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(signal_format.value) # case S130 event_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(event.value) # case S130 line_number_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(line_number) # case S150 polarity_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(polarity.value) # case S130 trigger_coupling_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(trigger_coupling.value) # case S130 holdoff_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(holdoff, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 delay_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(delay, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureTriggerVideo(vi_ctype, trigger_source_ctype, enable_dc_restore_ctype, signal_format_ctype, event_ctype, line_number_ctype, polarity_ctype, trigger_coupling_ctype, holdoff_ctype, delay_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def configure_trigger_window(self, trigger_source, low_level, high_level, window_mode, trigger_coupling, holdoff=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0), delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.0)): r'''configure_trigger_window Configures common properties for analog window triggering. A window trigger occurs when a signal enters or leaves a window you specify with the **high level** or **low level** parameters. When you initiate an acquisition, the digitizer waits for the start trigger, which is configured through the acq_arm_source (Start Trigger Source) property. The default is immediate. Upon receiving the start trigger the digitizer begins sampling pretrigger points. After the digitizer finishes sampling pretrigger points, the digitizer waits for a reference (stop) trigger that you specify with a method such as this one. Upon receiving the reference trigger the digitizer finishes the acquisition after completing posttrigger sampling. With each Configure Trigger method, you specify configuration parameters such as the trigger source and the amount of trigger delay. To trigger the acquisition, use send_software_trigger_edge. Note: Some features are not supported by all digitizers. Args: trigger_source (str): Specifies the trigger source. Refer to trigger_source for defined values. low_level (float): Passes the voltage threshold you want the digitizer to use for low triggering. high_level (float): Passes the voltage threshold you want the digitizer to use for high triggering. window_mode (enums.TriggerWindowMode): Specifies whether you want the trigger to occur when the signal enters or leaves a window. trigger_coupling (enums.TriggerCoupling): Applies coupling and filtering options to the trigger signal. Refer to trigger_coupling for more information. holdoff (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): The length of time the digitizer waits after detecting a trigger before enabling NI-SCOPE to detect another trigger. Refer to trigger_holdoff for more information. delay (float in seconds or datetime.timedelta): How long the digitizer waits after receiving the trigger to start acquiring data. Refer to trigger_delay_time for more information. ''' if type(window_mode) is not enums.TriggerWindowMode: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerWindowMode)) if type(trigger_coupling) is not enums.TriggerCoupling: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.TriggerCoupling)) vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 trigger_source_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(trigger_source.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 low_level_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(low_level) # case S150 high_level_ctype = _visatype.ViReal64(high_level) # case S150 window_mode_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(window_mode.value) # case S130 trigger_coupling_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(trigger_coupling.value) # case S130 holdoff_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(holdoff, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 delay_ctype = _converters.convert_timedelta_to_seconds(delay, _visatype.ViReal64) # case S140 error_code = self._library.niScope_ConfigureTriggerWindow(vi_ctype, trigger_source_ctype, low_level_ctype, high_level_ctype, window_mode_ctype, trigger_coupling_ctype, holdoff_ctype, delay_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def disable(self): r'''disable Aborts any current operation, opens data channel relays, and releases RTSI and PFI lines. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_Disable(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def export_attribute_configuration_buffer(self): r'''export_attribute_configuration_buffer Exports the property configuration of the session to a configuration buffer. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers, channel counts, and onboard memory sizes. This method verifies that the properties you have configured for the session are valid. If the configuration is invalid, NI‑SCOPE returns an error. **Related Topics:** `Properties and Property Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(attributes_and_attribute_functions)>`__ `Setting Properties Before Reading Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ Returns: configuration (list of int): Specifies the byte array buffer to be populated with the exported property configuration. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 size_in_bytes_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32() # case S170 configuration_ctype = None # case B580 error_code = self._library.niScope_ExportAttributeConfigurationBuffer(vi_ctype, size_in_bytes_ctype, configuration_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=True, is_error_handling=False) size_in_bytes_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(error_code) # case S180 configuration_size = size_in_bytes_ctype.value # case B590 configuration_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(library_type=_visatype.ViInt8, size=configuration_size) # case B590 error_code = self._library.niScope_ExportAttributeConfigurationBuffer(vi_ctype, size_in_bytes_ctype, configuration_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return [int(configuration_ctype[i]) for i in range(size_in_bytes_ctype.value)] @ivi_synchronized def export_attribute_configuration_file(self, file_path): r'''export_attribute_configuration_file Exports the property configuration of the session to the specified file. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers, channel counts, and onboard memory sizes. This method verifies that the properties you have configured for the session are valid. If the configuration is invalid, NI‑SCOPE returns an error. **Related Topics:** `Properties and Property Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(attributes_and_attribute_functions)>`__ `Setting Properties Before Reading Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ Args: file_path (str): Specifies the absolute path to the file to contain the exported property configuration. If you specify an empty or relative path, this method returns an error. **Default file extension:** .niscopeconfig ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 file_path_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(file_path.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 error_code = self._library.niScope_ExportAttributeConfigurationFile(vi_ctype, file_path_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def import_attribute_configuration_buffer(self, configuration): r'''import_attribute_configuration_buffer Imports a property configuration to the session from the specified configuration buffer. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers, channel counts, and onboard memory sizes. **Related Topics:** `Properties and Property Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(attributes_and_attribute_functions)>`__ `Setting Properties Before Reading Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ Note: You cannot call this method while the session is in a running state, such as while acquiring a signal. Args: configuration (list of int): Specifies the byte array buffer that contains the property configuration to import. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 size_in_bytes_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(0 if configuration is None else len(configuration)) # case S160 configuration_ctype = get_ctypes_pointer_for_buffer(value=configuration, library_type=_visatype.ViInt8) # case B550 error_code = self._library.niScope_ImportAttributeConfigurationBuffer(vi_ctype, size_in_bytes_ctype, configuration_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def import_attribute_configuration_file(self, file_path): r'''import_attribute_configuration_file Imports a property configuration to the session from the specified file. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers, channel counts, and onboard memory sizes. **Related Topics:** `Properties and Property Methods <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(attributes_and_attribute_functions)>`__ `Setting Properties Before Reading Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ Note: You cannot call this method while the session is in a running state, such as while acquiring a signal. Args: file_path (str): Specifies the absolute path to the file containing the property configuration to import. If you specify an empty or relative path, this method returns an error. **Default File Extension:** .niscopeconfig ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 file_path_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(file_path.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 error_code = self._library.niScope_ImportAttributeConfigurationFile(vi_ctype, file_path_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return def _init_with_options(self, resource_name, id_query=False, reset_device=False, option_string=""): r'''_init_with_options Performs the following initialization actions: - Creates a new IVI instrument driver and optionally sets the initial state of the following session properties: Range Check, Cache, Simulate, Record Value Coercions - Opens a session to the specified device using the interface and address you specify for the **resourceName** - Resets the digitizer to a known state if **resetDevice** is set to True - Queries the instrument ID and verifies that it is valid for this instrument driver if the **IDQuery** is set to True - Returns an instrument handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver method calls Args: resource_name (str): Caution: Traditional NI-DAQ and NI-DAQmx device names are not case-sensitive. However, all IVI names, such as logical names, are case-sensitive. If you use logical names, driver session names, or virtual names in your program, you must make sure that the name you use matches the name in the IVI Configuration Store file exactly, without any variations in the case of the characters. | Specifies the resource name of the device to initialize For Traditional NI-DAQ devices, the syntax is DAQ::\ *n*, where *n* is the device number assigned by MAX, as shown in Example 1. For NI-DAQmx devices, the syntax is just the device name specified in MAX, as shown in Example 2. Typical default names for NI-DAQmx devices in MAX are Dev1 or PXI1Slot1. You can rename an NI-DAQmx device by right-clicking on the name in MAX and entering a new name. An alternate syntax for NI-DAQmx devices consists of DAQ::NI-DAQmx device name, as shown in Example 3. This naming convention allows for the use of an NI-DAQmx device in an application that was originally designed for a Traditional NI-DAQ device. For example, if the application expects DAQ::1, you can rename the NI-DAQmx device to 1 in MAX and pass in DAQ::1 for the resource name, as shown in Example 4. If you use the DAQ::\ *n* syntax and an NI-DAQmx device name already exists with that same name, the NI-DAQmx device is matched first. You can also pass in the name of an IVI logical name or an IVI virtual name configured with the IVI Configuration utility, as shown in Example 5. A logical name identifies a particular virtual instrument. A virtual name identifies a specific device and specifies the initial settings for the session. +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Example | Device Type | Syntax | +=========+======================================+==================================================+ | 1 | Traditional NI-DAQ device | DAQ::1 (1 = device number) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | NI-DAQmx device | myDAQmxDevice (myDAQmxDevice = device name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | NI-DAQmx device | DAQ::myDAQmxDevice (myDAQmxDevice = device name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | NI-DAQmx device | DAQ::2 (2 = device name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | IVI logical name or IVI virtual name | myLogicalName (myLogicalName = name) | +---------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ id_query (bool): Specify whether to perform an ID query. When you set this parameter to True, NI-SCOPE verifies that the device you initialize is a type that it supports. When you set this parameter to False, the method initializes the device without performing an ID query. **Defined Values** | True—Perform ID query | False—Skip ID query **Default Value**: True reset_device (bool): Specify whether to reset the device during the initialization process. Default Value: True **Defined Values** True (1)—Reset device False (0)—Do not reset device Note: For the NI 5112, repeatedly resetting the device may cause excessive wear on the electromechanical relays. Refer to `NI 5112 Electromechanical Relays <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(5112_relays)>`__ for recommended programming practices. option_string (str): | Specifies initialization commands. The following table lists the properties and the name you use in the **optionString** to identify the property. Default Values: "Simulate=0,RangeCheck=1,QueryInstrStatus=1,Cache=1" You can use the option string to simulate a device. The DriverSetup flag specifies the model that is to be simulated and the type of the model. One example to simulate an NI PXI-5102 would be as follows: Option String: Simulate = 1, DriverSetup = Model:5102; BoardType:PXI Refer to the example niScope EX Simulated Acquisition for more information on simulation. You can also use the option string to attach an accessory such as the NI 5900 to your digitizer session to allow the seamless use of the accessory: Option String: DriverSetup = Accessory:Dev1 Refer to the example niScope EX External Amplifier for more information. Returns: vi (int): Returns a session handle that you can use to identify the device in all subsequent NI-SCOPE method calls. ''' resource_name_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(resource_name.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 id_query_ctype = _visatype.ViBoolean(id_query) # case S150 reset_device_ctype = _visatype.ViBoolean(reset_device) # case S150 option_string_ctype = ctypes.create_string_buffer(option_string.encode(self._encoding)) # case C020 vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession() # case S220 error_code = self._library.niScope_InitWithOptions(resource_name_ctype, id_query_ctype, reset_device_ctype, option_string_ctype, None if vi_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(vi_ctype))) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return int(vi_ctype.value) @ivi_synchronized def _initiate_acquisition(self): r'''_initiate_acquisition Initiates a waveform acquisition. After calling this method, the digitizer leaves the Idle state and waits for a trigger. The digitizer acquires a waveform for each channel you enable with configure_vertical. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_InitiateAcquisition(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def probe_compensation_signal_start(self): r'''probe_compensation_signal_start Starts the 1 kHz square wave output on PFI 1 for probe compensation. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_ProbeCompensationSignalStart(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def probe_compensation_signal_stop(self): r'''probe_compensation_signal_stop Stops the 1 kHz square wave output on PFI 1 for probe compensation. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_ProbeCompensationSignalStop(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def reset_device(self): r'''reset_device Performs a hard reset of the device. Acquisition stops, all routes are released, RTSI and PFI lines are tristated, hardware is configured to its default state, and all session properties are reset to their default state. - `Thermal Shutdown <digitizers.chm::/Thermal_Shutdown.html>`__ ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_ResetDevice(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def reset_with_defaults(self): r'''reset_with_defaults Performs a software reset of the device, returning it to the default state and applying any initial default settings from the IVI Configuration Store. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_ResetWithDefaults(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def send_software_trigger_edge(self, which_trigger): r'''send_software_trigger_edge Sends the selected trigger to the digitizer. Call this method if you called configure_trigger_software when you want the Reference trigger to occur. You can also call this method to override a misused edge, digital, or hysteresis trigger. If you have configured acq_arm_source, arm_ref_trig_src, or adv_trig_src, call this method when you want to send the corresponding trigger to the digitizer. Args: which_trigger (enums.WhichTrigger): Specifies the type of trigger to send to the digitizer. **Defined Values** | WhichTrigger.START (0L) | WhichTrigger.ARM_REFERENCE (1L) | WhichTrigger.REFERENCE (2L) | WhichTrigger.ADVANCE (3L) ''' if type(which_trigger) is not enums.WhichTrigger: raise TypeError('Parameter mode must be of type ' + str(enums.WhichTrigger)) vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 which_trigger_ctype = _visatype.ViInt32(which_trigger.value) # case S130 error_code = self._library.niScope_SendSoftwareTriggerEdge(vi_ctype, which_trigger_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return def _close(self): r'''_close When you are finished using an instrument driver session, you must call this method to perform the following actions: - Closes the instrument I/O session. - Destroys the IVI session and all of its properties. - Deallocates any memory resources used by the IVI session. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_close(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def self_test(self): '''self_test Runs the instrument self-test routine and returns the test result(s). Refer to the device-specific help topics for an explanation of the message contents. Raises `SelfTestError` on self test failure. Properties on exception object: - code - failure code from driver - message - status message from driver +----------------+------------------+ | Self-Test Code | Description | +================+==================+ | 0 | Passed self-test | +----------------+------------------+ | 1 | Self-test failed | +----------------+------------------+ ''' code, msg = self._self_test() if code: raise errors.SelfTestError(code, msg) return None @ivi_synchronized def reset(self): r'''reset Stops the acquisition, releases routes, and all session properties are reset to their `default states <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(scopefunc.chm','cviattribute_defaults)>`__. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 error_code = self._library.niScope_reset(vi_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return @ivi_synchronized def _self_test(self): r'''_self_test Runs the instrument self-test routine and returns the test result(s). Returns: self_test_result (int): This control contains the value returned from the instrument self-test. **Self-Test Code Description** 0—Self-test passed 1—Self-test failed self_test_message (str): Returns the self-test response string from the instrument. Refer to the device-specific help topics for an explanation of the string contents; you must pass a ViChar array at least IVI_MAX_MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE bytes in length. ''' vi_ctype = _visatype.ViSession(self._vi) # case S110 self_test_result_ctype = _visatype.ViInt16() # case S220 self_test_message_ctype = (_visatype.ViChar * 256)() # case C070 error_code = self._library.niScope_self_test(vi_ctype, None if self_test_result_ctype is None else (ctypes.pointer(self_test_result_ctype)), self_test_message_ctype) errors.handle_error(self, error_code, ignore_warnings=False, is_error_handling=False) return int(self_test_result_ctype.value), self_test_message_ctype.value.decode(self._encoding)