Source code for nifgen.enums

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from enum import Enum

[docs]class AnalogPath(Enum): MAIN = 0 r''' Specifies use of the main path. NI-FGEN chooses the amplifier based on the user-specified gain. ''' DIRECT = 1 r''' Specifies use of the direct path. ''' FIXED_LOW_GAIN = 2 r''' Specifies use of the low-gain amplifier in the main path, no matter what value the user specifies for gain. This setting limits the output range. ''' FIXED_HIGH_GAIN = 3 r''' Specifies use of the high-gain amplifier in the main path. '''
[docs]class BusType(Enum): INVALID = 0 r''' Indicates an invalid bus type. ''' AT = 1 r''' Indicates the signal generator is the AT bus type. ''' PCI = 2 r''' Indicates the signal generator is the PCI bus type. ''' PXI = 3 r''' Indicates the signal generator is the PXI bus type. ''' VXI = 4 r''' Indicates the signal generator is the VXI bus type. ''' PCMCIA = 5 r''' Indicates the signal generator is the PCI-CMA bus type. ''' PXIE = 6 r''' Indicates the signal generator is the PXI Express bus type. '''
[docs]class ByteOrder(Enum): LITTLE = 0 BIG = 1
[docs]class ClockMode(Enum): HIGH_RESOLUTION = 0 r''' High resolution sampling—Sample rate is generated by a high–resolution clock source. ''' DIVIDE_DOWN = 1 r''' Divide down sampling—Sample rates are generated by dividing the source frequency. ''' AUTOMATIC = 2 r''' Automatic Selection—NI-FGEN selects between the divide–down and high–resolution clocking modes. '''
[docs]class DataMarkerEventLevelPolarity(Enum): HIGH = 101 r''' When the operation is ready to start, the Ready for Start event level is high. ''' LOW = 102 r''' When the operation is ready to start, the Ready for Start event level is low. '''
[docs]class HardwareState(Enum): IDLE = 0 WAITING_FOR_START_TRIGGER = 100 RUNNING = 200 DONE = 600 HARDWARE_ERROR = 1000
[docs]class IdleBehavior(Enum): HOLD_LAST = 400 r''' While in an Idle or Wait state, the output signal remains at the last voltage generated prior to entering the state. ''' JUMP_TO = 401 r''' While in an Idle or Wait state, the output signal remains at the value configured in the Idle or Wait value property. '''
[docs]class OutputMode(Enum): FUNC = 0 r''' Standard Method mode— Generates standard method waveforms such as sine, square, triangle, and so on. ''' ARB = 1 r''' Arbitrary waveform mode—Generates waveforms from user-created/provided waveform arrays of numeric data. ''' SEQ = 2 r''' Arbitrary sequence mode — Generates downloaded waveforms in an order your specify. ''' FREQ_LIST = 101 r''' Frequency List mode—Generates a standard method using a list of frequencies you define. ''' SCRIPT = 102 r''' **Script mode—**\ Allows you to use scripting to link and loop multiple waveforms in complex combinations. '''
[docs]class ReferenceClockSource(Enum): CLOCK_IN = 'ClkIn' r''' Specifies that the CLK IN input signal from the front panel connector is used as the Reference Clock source. ''' NONE = 'None' r''' Specifies that a Reference Clock is not used. ''' ONBOARD_REFERENCE_CLOCK = 'OnboardRefClk' r''' Specifies that the onboard Reference Clock is used as the Reference Clock source. ''' PXI_CLOCK = 'PXI_Clk' r''' Specifies the PXI Clock is used as the Reference Clock source. ''' RTSI_7 = 'RTSI7' r''' Specifies that the RTSI line 7 is used as the Reference Clock source. '''
[docs]class RelativeTo(Enum): START = 0 CURRENT = 1
[docs]class SampleClockSource(Enum): CLOCK_IN = 'ClkIn' r''' Specifies that the signal at the CLK IN front panel connector is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' DDC_CLOCK_IN = 'DDC_ClkIn' r''' Specifies that the Sample Clock from DDC connector is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' ONBOARD_CLOCK = 'OnboardClock' r''' Specifies that the onboard clock is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_STAR_LINE = 'PXI_Star' r''' Specifies that the PXI\_STAR trigger line is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_0_RTSI_0 = 'PXI_Trig0' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 0 is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_1_RTSI_1 = 'PXI_Trig1' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 1 is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_2_RTSI_2 = 'PXI_Trig2' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 2 is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_3_RTSI_3 = 'PXI_Trig3' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 3 is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_4_RTSI_4 = 'PXI_Trig4' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 4 is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_5_RTSI_5 = 'PXI_Trig5' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 5 is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_6_RTSI_6 = 'PXI_Trig6' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 6 is used as the Sample Clock source. ''' PXI_TRIGGER_LINE_7_RTSI_7 = 'PXI_Trig7' r''' Specifies that the PXI or RTSI line 7 is used as the Sample Clock source. '''
[docs]class SampleClockTimebaseSource(Enum): CLOCK_IN = 'ClkIn' r''' Specifies that the external signal on the CLK IN front panel connector is used as the source. ''' ONBOARD_CLOCK = 'OnboardClock' r''' Specifies that the onboard Sample Clock timebase is used as the source. '''
[docs]class ScriptTriggerDigitalEdgeEdge(Enum): RISING = 101 r''' Rising Edge ''' FALLING = 102 r''' Falling Edge '''
[docs]class ScriptTriggerType(Enum): TRIG_NONE = 101 r''' No trigger is configured. Signal generation starts immediately. ''' DIGITAL_EDGE = 102 r''' Trigger is asserted when a digital edge is detected. ''' DIGITAL_LEVEL = 103 r''' Trigger is asserted when a digital level is detected. ''' SOFTWARE_EDGE = 104 r''' Trigger is asserted when a software edge is detected. '''
[docs]class StartTriggerDigitalEdgeEdge(Enum): RISING = 101 r''' Rising Edge ''' FALLING = 102 r''' Falling Edge '''
[docs]class StartTriggerType(Enum): TRIG_NONE = 101 r''' None ''' DIGITAL_EDGE = 102 r''' Digital Edge ''' SOFTWARE_EDGE = 104 r''' Software Edge ''' P2P_ENDPOINT_FULLNESS = 106 r''' P2P Endpoint Fullness '''
[docs]class TerminalConfiguration(Enum): SINGLE_ENDED = 300 r''' Single-ended operation ''' DIFFERENTIAL = 301 r''' Differential operation '''
[docs]class TriggerMode(Enum): SINGLE = 1 r''' Single Trigger Mode - The waveform you describe in the sequence list is generated only once by going through the entire staging list. Only one trigger is required to start the waveform generation. You can use Single trigger mode with the output mode in any mode. After a trigger is received, the waveform generation starts from the first stage and continues through to the last stage. Then, the last stage generates repeatedly until you stop the waveform generation. ''' CONTINUOUS = 2 r''' Continuous Trigger Mode - The waveform you describe in the staging list generates infinitely by repeatedly cycling through the staging list. After a trigger is received, the waveform generation starts from the first stage and continues through to the last stage. After the last stage completes, the waveform generation loops back to the start of the first stage and continues until it is stopped. Only one trigger is required to start the waveform generation. ''' STEPPED = 3 r''' Stepped Trigger Mode - After a start trigger is received, the waveform described by the first stage generates. Then, the device waits for the next trigger signal. On the next trigger, the waveform described by the second stage generates, and so on. After the staging list completes, the waveform generation returns to the first stage and continues in a cyclic fashion. After any stage has generated completely, the first eight samples of the next stage are repeated continuously until the next trigger is received. trigger mode. Note: In Frequency List mode, Stepped trigger mode is the same as Burst ''' BURST = 4 r''' Burst Trigger Mode - After a start trigger is received, the waveform described by the first stage generates until another trigger is received. At the next trigger, the buffer of the previous stage completes, and then the waveform described by the second stage generates. After the staging list completes, the waveform generation returns to the first stage and continues in a cyclic fashion. In Frequency List mode, the duration instruction is ignored, and the trigger switches the frequency to the next frequency in the list. trigger mode. Note: In Frequency List mode, Stepped trigger mode is the same as Burst '''
[docs]class WaitBehavior(Enum): HOLD_LAST = 400 r''' While in an Idle or Wait state, the output signal remains at the last voltage generated prior to entering the state. ''' JUMP_TO = 401 r''' While in an Idle or Wait state, the output signal remains at the value configured in the Idle or Wait value property. '''
[docs]class Waveform(Enum): SINE = 1 r''' Sinusoid waveform ''' SQUARE = 2 r''' Square waveform ''' TRIANGLE = 3 r''' Triange waveform ''' RAMP_UP = 4 r''' Positive ramp waveform ''' RAMP_DOWN = 5 r''' Negative ramp waveform ''' DC = 6 r''' Constant voltage ''' NOISE = 101 r''' White noise ''' USER = 102 r''' User-defined waveform as defined by the define_user_standard_waveform method. '''